Model learning
F Vaandrager - Communications of the ACM, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Model learning Page 1 86 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | FEBRUARY 2017 | VOL. 60 |
NO. 2 review articles DOI:10.1145/2967606 Model learning emerges as an effective method …
NO. 2 review articles DOI:10.1145/2967606 Model learning emerges as an effective method …
Analysis of {DTLS} implementations using protocol state fuzzing
Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of protocols relying on UDP. Compared
to TCP, UDP offers performance advantages such as simplicity and lower latency. This has …
to TCP, UDP offers performance advantages such as simplicity and lower latency. This has …
Bleem: Packet sequence oriented fuzzing for protocol implementations
Protocol implementations are essential components in network infrastructures. Flaws hidden
in the implementations can easily render devices vulnerable to adversaries. Therefore …
in the implementations can easily render devices vulnerable to adversaries. Therefore …
AALpy: an active automata learning library
AALpy is an extensible open-source Python library providing efficient implementations of
active automata learning algorithms for deterministic, non-deterministic, and stochastic …
active automata learning algorithms for deterministic, non-deterministic, and stochastic …
A new approach for active automata learning based on apartness
We present L#, a new and simple approach to active automata learning. Instead of focusing
on equivalence of observations, like the L∗ algorithm and its descendants, L# takes a …
on equivalence of observations, like the L∗ algorithm and its descendants, L# takes a …
[PDF][PDF] Automata-Based Automated Detection of State Machine Bugs in Protocol Implementations.
Implementations of stateful security protocols must carefully manage the type and order of
exchanged messages and cryptographic material, by maintaining a state machine which …
exchanged messages and cryptographic material, by maintaining a state machine which …
Model-based testing IoT communication via active automata learning
This paper presents a learning-based approach to detecting failures in reactive systems.
The technique is based on inferring models of multiple implementations of a common …
The technique is based on inferring models of multiple implementations of a common …
Model learning and model checking of SSH implementations
We apply model learning on three SSH implementations to infer state machine models, and
then use model checking to verify that these models satisfy basic security properties and …
then use model checking to verify that these models satisfy basic security properties and …