[Књига][B] Graph transformation for software engineers: With applications to model-based development and domain-specific language engineering

R Heckel, G Taentzer - 2020 - Springer
The first part of the book presents the fundamentals in a precise, yet largely informal way.
Besides serving as prerequisite for describing the applications in the second part, it also …

Validation of a new functional design of automatic protection systems at level crossings with model-checking techniques

A Mekki, M Ghazel, A Toguyeni - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Level crossings (LCs) are considered to be a safety black spot for railway transportation
since LC accidents/incidents dominate the railway accident landscape in Europe, thus …

A feature-based classification of formal verification techniques for software models

S Gabmeyer, P Kaufmann, M Seidl, M Gogolla… - Software & Systems …, 2019 - Springer
Software models are the core development artifact in model-based engineering (MBE). The
MBE paradigm promotes the use of software models to describe structure and behavior of …

Using internal domain-specific languages to inherit tool support and modularity for model transformations

G Hinkel, T Goldschmidt, E Burger… - Software & Systems …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Model-driven engineering (MDE) has proved to be a useful approach to cope with
today's ever-growing complexity in the development of software systems; nevertheless, it is …

Specification and verification of model transformations

F Hermann, M Hülsbusch, B König - Electronic Communications of the …, 2010 - eceasst.org
Abstract Model transformations are a key concept within model driven development and
there is an enormous need for suitable formal analysis techniques for model …

Automated chaining of model transformations with incompatible metamodels

F Basciani, D Di Ruscio, L Iovino… - Model-Driven Engineering …, 2014 - Springer
Abstract In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) models are first-class entities that are
manipulated by means of model transformations. The development of complex and large …

Graph transformations for mde, adaptation, and models at runtime

H Giese, L Lambers, B Becker, S Hildebrandt… - International School on …, 2012 - Springer
Software evolution and the resulting need to continuously adapt the software is one of the
main challenges for software engineering. The model-driven development movement …

Efficient property preservation checking of model refinements

A Wijs, L Engelen - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis …, 2013 - Springer
In model-driven software development, models and model refinements are used to create
software. To automatically generate correct software from abstract models by means of …

A formal verification technique for behavioural model-to-model transformations

S de Putter, A Wijs - Formal Aspects of Computing, 2018 - Springer
Abstract In Model Driven Software Engineering, models and model transformations are the
primary artifacts when develo** a software system. In such a workflow, model …

Multiclock constraint system modelling and verification for ensuring cooperative autonomous driving safety

J Wang, Z Huang, X Huang, Y Zhu… - Journal of advanced …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
CADS (cooperative autonomous driving systems) are software‐intensive and safety‐critical
reactive systems and give great promise to our daily life, but system errors may not be …