Overview of chytrid emergence and impacts on amphibians

KR Lips - … Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2016‏ - royalsocietypublishing.org
Chytridiomycosis is an emerging infectious disease of amphibians that affects over 700
species on all continents where amphibians occur. The amphibian–chytridiomycosis system …

The ecological drivers and consequences of wildlife trade

LJ Hughes, O Morton, BR Scheffers… - Biological …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Wildlife trade is a key driver of extinction risk, affecting at least 24% of terrestrial vertebrates.
The persistent removal of species can have profound impacts on species extinction risk and …

Amphibian contributions to ecosystem services

DJ Hocking, KJ Babbitt - Herpetological conservation and biology, 2014‏ - scholars.unh.edu
Ecosystems provide essential services for human society, which include provisioning,
regulating, cultural, and supporting services. Amphibians provide provisioning services by …

Summarizing the evidence on the international trade in illegal wildlife

GE Rosen, KF Smith - EcoHealth, 2010‏ - Springer
The global trade in illegal wildlife is a multi-billion dollar industry that threatens biodiversity
and acts as a potential avenue for invasive species and disease spread. Despite the broad …

The cause of global amphibian declines: a developmental endocrinologist's perspective

TB Hayes, P Falso, S Gallipeau… - Journal of Experimental …, 2010‏ - journals.biologists.com
Greater than 70% of the world's amphibian species are in decline. We propose that there is
probably not a single cause for global amphibian declines and present a three-tiered …

[PDF][PDF] Distribution and host range of ranaviruses

ALJ Duffus, TB Waltzek, AC Stöhr… - … : Lethal pathogens of …, 2015‏ - library.oapen.org
Distribution and host range of ranaviruses Page 19 9© The Author (s) 2015 MJ Gray, VG
Chinchar (eds.), Ranaviruses , DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-13755-1_2 Distribution and Host Range …

The ecology and impact of chytridiomycosis: an emerging disease of amphibians

AM Kilpatrick, CJ Briggs, P Daszak - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2010‏ - cell.com
Emerging infectious diseases are increasingly recognized as key threats to wildlife.
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the causative agent of chytridiomycosis, has been …

Novel, panzootic and hybrid genotypes of amphibian chytridiomycosis associated with the bullfrog trade

LM Schloegel, LF Toledo, JE Longcore… - Molecular …, 2012‏ - Wiley Online Library
Global amphibian declines are linked with the presence of specific, highly virulent
genotypes of the emerging fungal disease chytridiomycosis caused by Batrachochytrium …

Impacts from invasive reptiles and amphibians

F Kraus - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 2015‏ - annualreviews.org
Alien herpetofauna have a broad diversity of ecological and evolutionary impacts, involving
seven mechanisms. Ecological impacts usually result from trophic disruptions and may be …

Early-diverging fungal phyla: taxonomy, species concept, ecology, distribution, anthropogenic impact, and novel phylogenetic proposals

K Voigt, TY James, PM Kirk, ALCMA Santiago… - Fungal Diversity, 2021‏ - Springer
The increasing number of new fungal species described from all over the world along with
the use of genetics to define taxa, has dramatically changed the classification system of …