Spin-orbit coupling-enhanced valley ordering of malleable bands in twisted bilayer graphene on WSe2

S Bhowmik, B Ghawri, Y Park, D Lee, S Datta… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Recent experiments in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene have revealed a wealth of
novel electronic phases as a result of interaction-driven spin-valley flavour polarisation. In …

Interplay of spin–orbit coupling and Coulomb interaction in ZnO-based electron system

D Maryenko, M Kawamura, A Ernst, VK Dugaev… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) is pivotal for various fundamental spin-dependent phenomena in
solids and their technological applications. In semiconductors, these phenomena have been …

Magnetism and metal-insulator transitions in the Rashba-Hubbard model

W Kennedy, SA Sousa-Júnior, NC Costa… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
The nature of a metal-insulator and magnetic transitions is still a subject under intense
debate in condensed-matter physics. Among the many possible mechanisms, the interplay …

Itinerant ferromagnetism entrenched by the anisotropy of spin–orbit coupling in a dipolar Fermi gas

XJ Feng, JX Li, L Qin, YY Zhang, SQ **a, L Zhou… - Frontiers of …, 2023 - Springer
We investigate the itinerant ferromagnetism in a dipolar Fermi atomic system with the
anisotropic spin–orbit coupling (SOC), which is traditionally explored with isotropic contact …

Van Hove scenario of anisotropic transport in a two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled electron gas in an in-plane magnetic field

VA Sablikov, YY Tkach - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We study electronic transport in two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled electron gas subjected
to an in-plane magnetic field. The interplay of the spin-orbit interaction and the magnetic …

Itinerant ferromagnetism of a dipolar Fermi gas with Raman-induced spin-orbit coupling

XJ Feng, XD Zhao, L Qin, YY Zhang, Z Zhu, HJ Tian… - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
We elucidate the itinerant ferromagnetism of a dipolar Fermi gas with a Raman-induced spin-
orbit coupling by investigating the exotic phase diagrams. It is revealed that the dipolar …

Phase diagram of the interacting persistent spin-helix state

H Liu, WE Liu, S Chesi, R Joynt, D Culcer - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We study the phase diagram of the interacting two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with
equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling, which for weak coupling gives rise to …

Chern insulator in a ferromagnetic two-dimensional electron system with Dresselhaus spin–orbit coupling

RA Chang, CR Chang - New Journal of Physics, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose a Chern insulator in a two-dimensional electron system with Dresselhaus spin–
orbit coupling, ferromagnetism, and spin-dependent effective mass. The analytically …

Many-body correction to the intrinsic anomalous and spin Hall conductivities

M Mir, SH Abedinpour - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Broken Galilean invariance in a spin-orbit coupled system can amplify many-body effects on
its different responses. We study the anomalous Hall and spin Hall conductivities of a …

Novel metallic behavior in topologically non-trivial, quantum critical, and low-dimensional matter

JT Heath - 2021 - search.proquest.com
We present several results based upon non-trivial extensions of Landau-Fermi liquid theory.
First proposed in the mid-20th century, the Fermi liquid approach assumes an adiabatic …