Radiation experiments on a 28 nm single-chip many-core processor and SEU error-rate prediction

V Vargas, P Ramos, V Ray, C Jalier… - … on Nuclear Science, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work evaluates the SEE static and dynamic sensitivity of a single-chip many-core
processor having implemented 16 compute clusters, each one with 16 processing cores …

NMR-MPar: A fault-tolerance approach for multi-core and many-core processors

V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco - Applied Sciences, 2018 - mdpi.com
Featured Application The N-Modular Redundancy and M-Partitions (NMR-MPar) fault-
tolerance approach can be used to improve the reliability of embedded systems that are …

Evaluating SEU fault-injection on parallel applications implemented on multicore processors

V Vargas, P Ramos, R Velazco… - 2015 IEEE 6th Latin …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The widespread use of multicore processors in computing systems and the imperative
necessity of exploiting massive parallelism to improve performance and dependability, make …

Evaluation of the SEE sensitivity and methodology for error rate prediction of applications implemented in multi-core and many-core processors

PFR Vargas - 2017 - theses.hal.science
The present thesis aims at evaluating the SEE static and dynamic sensitivity of three different
COTS multi-core and many-core processors. The first one is the Freescale P2041 multi-core …

Swifi Fault injector for heterogeneous many-core processors

V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco - revistapuce, 2018 - revistapuce.edu.ec
Este trabajo presenta un enfoque de inyección de fallas para evaluar el impacto de soft
errors en aplicaciones que se ejecutan en un procesador heterogé-neo de muchos núcleos …

Improving Reliability of Multi-/Many-Core Processors by Using NMR-MPar Approach

V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco - Radiation Effects on …, 2019 - Springer
The new trend in computing systems is providing solutions by using multicore and many-
core processors. COTS processors are preferred because they offer a high performance with …

Error Rate Prediction of Applications Implemented in Multi-Core and Many-Core Processors

P Ramos, V Vargas, R Velazco… - Radiation Effects on …, 2019 - Springer
This work proposes an approach for predicting the error rate of applications implemented in
multi/many-core processors. The prediction is based on the intrinsic sensitivity of the device …

Approche logicielle pour améliorer la fiabilité d'applications parallèles implémentées dans des processeurs multi-cœur et many-cœur

VCV Vallejo - 2017 - theses.hal.science
La grande capacité de calcul, flexibilité, faible consommation d'énergie, redondance
intrinsèque et la haute performance fournie par les processeurs multi/many-cœur les …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Evaluation de la Sensibilité Face aux SEE et Méthodologie pour la Prédiction de taux d'Erreurs d'Applications implémentées dans des Processeurs …

PF Ramos Vargas - 2017 - Francia/Universidad de Grenoble …