Qualitative research in HRI: A review and taxonomy

L Veling, C McGinn - International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021 - Springer
The field of human–robot interaction (HRI) is young and highly inter-disciplinary, and the
approaches, standards and methods proper to it are still in the process of negotiation. This …

Methods and systems for food preparation in a robotic cooking kitchen

M Oleynik - US Patent 9,815,191, 2017 - Google Patents
US9815191B2 - Methods and systems for food preparation in a robotic cooking kitchen -
Google Patents US9815191B2 - Methods and systems for food preparation in a robotic cooking …

Robotic manipulation methods and systems for executing a domain-specific application in an instrumented environment with electronic minimanipulation libraries

M Oleynik - US Patent 10,518,409, 2019 - Google Patents
US10518409B2 - Robotic manipulation methods and systems for executing a domain-specific
application in an instrumented environment with electronic minimanipulation libraries …

Human-food interaction

RA Khot, F Mueller - Foundations and Trends® in Human …, 2019 - nowpublishers.com
Food is not only fundamental to our existence, its consumption, handling or even the mere
sight of its also brings us immense joy. Over the years, technology has played a crucial part …

Adapting to a robot: Adapting gardening and the garden to fit a robot lawn mower

GB Verne - Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE international …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Introducing robots into the home changes the work that the homeowners carry out. This
paper explores in depth how garden work and the garden change when a robotic lawn …

A Database for Kitchen Objects: Investigating Danger Perception in the Context of Human-Robot Interaction

J Leusmann, C Oechsner, J Prinz, R Welsch… - Extended Abstracts of …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
In the future, humans collaborating closely with cobots in everyday tasks will require
handing each other objects. So far, researchers have optimized human-robot collaboration …

Multimodal tactile perception of objects in a real home

T Bhattacharjee, HM Clever, J Wade… - IEEE Robotics and …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When operating in human environments, such as homes, robots could use tactile sensing to
better perceive objects. A challenge that has not been sufficiently addressed is the influence …

Survey of factors for the prediction of human comfort with a non-anthropomorphic robot in public spaces

DC May, KJ Holler, CL Bethel, L Strawderman… - International Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
This article presents the results of a literature review and empirical analysis of factors that
may influence human perceptions and attitudes toward non-anthropomorphic robots in …

The use of Robotics in the Kitchens of the Future: The example of'Moley Robotics'

M Barakazi - Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 2022 - jotags.net
As in all areas of the tourism sector, it is considered a necessity rather than a choice to adapt
to technological developments in kitchens that provide food and beverage services. It is …

Yiyecek ve İçecek Sektöründe İleri Teknoloji ve Pandemik Düzene Doğru: Yakın Gelecekte Bir Robota 'Eline Sağlık!'Diyebilir Miyiz?

RE Özgüneş, D Bozok, D Küçükaltan - Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Teknolojik yeniliklere uyum sağlayan, sürekli değişim gösteren ve müşteri eğilimlerine göre
şekillenen sektörlerden biri de yiyecek-içecek sektörüdür. İnsanın en temel ihtiyacını …