[HTML][HTML] Integrating casein complex SNPs additive, dominance and epistatic effects on genetic parameters and breeding values estimation for murciano-granadina …
Assessing dominance and additive effects of casein complex single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …
Selecting an appropriate statistical model for estimating genetic parameters: A case study of pig maternal breeds in Czechia
J Calta, E Žáková, E Krupa, J Čítek, KD Machová… - Livestock Science, 2024 - Elsevier
A three-trait statistical model was designed for backfat thickness (BFT) and loin eye muscle
depth (LMD) with accompanying variable average daily gain (ADG). Data from 82,507 …
depth (LMD) with accompanying variable average daily gain (ADG). Data from 82,507 …
[HTML][HTML] Case study on increasing breeding value estimation reliability of reproductive traits in Serbian highly prolific Large White and Landrace sows
Simple Summary In the Republic of Serbia, pig selection in recent decades has been based
on genetic improvement of growth and carcass quality traits. Genetic improvement of …
on genetic improvement of growth and carcass quality traits. Genetic improvement of …
Integrating casein complex SNPs additive, dominance and epistatic effects on genetic parameters and breeding values estimation for murciano-granadina goat milk …
Assessing dominance and additive effects of casein complex single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …
Managing genetic diversity in pig populations: implications of optimal contribution selection in the Black Slavonian pig
Implications of optimal contribution selection for litter size in the Black Slavonian pig were
analysed using 23,882 litter records from 6764 sows. To obtain population parameters …
analysed using 23,882 litter records from 6764 sows. To obtain population parameters …
[HTML][HTML] Modifying the Quality of Pig Carcasses, Meat, and Dry Fermented Sausage from Black Slavonian Pigs by Selecting the Final Body Weight and Nutrition
A total of 96 Black Slavonian pigs were subjected to the research, in which they were split
into 6 groups. Three groups (100, 120, and 130 kg) were fed a higher level (HL) of crude …
into 6 groups. Three groups (100, 120, and 130 kg) were fed a higher level (HL) of crude …
Caracterización genética del complejo de las caseínas en la raza Murciano-Granadina
MG Pizarro Inostroza - 2021 - helvia.uco.es
La doctoranda Dña. María Gabriela Pizarro Inostroza comenzó durante el curso 2012-2013
a desarrollar su labor de investigación sobre el trabajo de tesis que presenta. La tesis …
a desarrollar su labor de investigación sobre el trabajo de tesis que presenta. La tesis …
[CITATION][C] Case Study on Increasing Breeding Value Estimation Reliability of Reproductive Traits in Serbian Highly Prolific Large White and Landrace Sows. Animals …
N Stojiljković, D Radojković, Z Luković… - 2022 - s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with …