[HTML][HTML] Integrating casein complex SNPs additive, dominance and epistatic effects on genetic parameters and breeding values estimation for murciano-granadina …

MG Pizarro Inostroza, V Landi, FJ Navas González… - Genes, 2020‏ - mdpi.com
Assessing dominance and additive effects of casein complex single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …

Selecting an appropriate statistical model for estimating genetic parameters: A case study of pig maternal breeds in Czechia

J Calta, E Žáková, E Krupa, J Čítek, KD Machová… - Livestock Science, 2024‏ - Elsevier
A three-trait statistical model was designed for backfat thickness (BFT) and loin eye muscle
depth (LMD) with accompanying variable average daily gain (ADG). Data from 82,507 …

[HTML][HTML] Case study on increasing breeding value estimation reliability of reproductive traits in Serbian highly prolific Large White and Landrace sows

N Stojiljković, D Radojković, Z Luković, M Gogić… - Animals, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary In the Republic of Serbia, pig selection in recent decades has been based
on genetic improvement of growth and carcass quality traits. Genetic improvement of …

Integrating casein complex SNPs additive, dominance and epistatic effects on genetic parameters and breeding values estimation for murciano-granadina goat milk …

MGP Inostroza, V Landi, FJN González, JML Jurado… - Genes, 2020‏ - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Assessing dominance and additive effects of casein complex single-nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs)(αS1, αS2, β, and κ casein), and their epistatic relationships may …

Managing genetic diversity in pig populations: implications of optimal contribution selection in the Black Slavonian pig

D Škorput, M Špehar, Z Luković - Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
Implications of optimal contribution selection for litter size in the Black Slavonian pig were
analysed using 23,882 litter records from 6764 sows. To obtain population parameters …

[HTML][HTML] Modifying the Quality of Pig Carcasses, Meat, and Dry Fermented Sausage from Black Slavonian Pigs by Selecting the Final Body Weight and Nutrition

D Samac, Đ Senčić, Z Antunović, J Novoselec… - Foods, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
A total of 96 Black Slavonian pigs were subjected to the research, in which they were split
into 6 groups. Three groups (100, 120, and 130 kg) were fed a higher level (HL) of crude …

Caracterización genética del complejo de las caseínas en la raza Murciano-Granadina

MG Pizarro Inostroza - 2021‏ - helvia.uco.es
La doctoranda Dña. María Gabriela Pizarro Inostroza comenzó durante el curso 2012-2013
a desarrollar su labor de investigación sobre el trabajo de tesis que presenta. La tesis …

[CITATION][C] Case Study on Increasing Breeding Value Estimation Reliability of Reproductive Traits in Serbian Highly Prolific Large White and Landrace Sows. Animals …

N Stojiljković, D Radojković, Z Luković… - 2022‏ - s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with …