Tutorial: nonlinear magnonics
Nonlinear magnonics studies the nonlinear interaction between magnons and other
physical platforms (phonon, photon, qubit, spin texture) to generate novel magnon states for …
physical platforms (phonon, photon, qubit, spin texture) to generate novel magnon states for …
Piezoelectric MEMS resonators: A review
Since two decades piezoelectric MEMS resonator research has been making a headway by
leaps and bounds in multiple fronts such as micro/nanofabrication techniques, device and …
leaps and bounds in multiple fronts such as micro/nanofabrication techniques, device and …
Enhancement of magnonic frequency combs by exceptional points
Frequency combs have high time–frequency accuracy, which makes them useful for
applications in precision spectroscopy, ultra-sensitive detection and atomic clocks …
applications in precision spectroscopy, ultra-sensitive detection and atomic clocks …
Passive frequency comb generation at radiofrequency for ranging applications
Optical frequency combs, featuring evenly spaced spectral lines, have been extensively
studied and applied to metrology, signal processing, and sensing. Recently, frequency comb …
studied and applied to metrology, signal processing, and sensing. Recently, frequency comb …
Magnonic frequency comb in the magnomechanical resonator
An optical frequency comb is a spectrum of optical radiation which consists of evenly spaced
and phase-coherent narrow spectral lines and is initially invented in a laser for frequency …
and phase-coherent narrow spectral lines and is initially invented in a laser for frequency …
Optomechanical dissipative solitons
Nonlinear wave–matter interactions may give rise to solitons, phenomena that feature
inherent stability in wave propagation and unusual spectral characteristics. Solitons have …
inherent stability in wave propagation and unusual spectral characteristics. Solitons have …
Nonlinearity enhanced mode localization in two coupled MEMS resonators
As an intriguing phenomenon in coupled dynamic systems, mode localization has garnered
considerable attention in areas such as vibration control, sensing, etc. This paper …
considerable attention in areas such as vibration control, sensing, etc. This paper …
Nonreciprocal phonon laser in a spinning microwave magnomechanical system
A nonreciprocal phonon laser in a spinning microwave magnomechanical system is
proposed. The system consists of a spinning microwave resonator coupled with an yttrium …
proposed. The system consists of a spinning microwave resonator coupled with an yttrium …
Nonreciprocal phonon laser
We propose nonreciprocal phonon lasing in a coupled cavity system composed of an
optomechanical resonator and a spinning resonator. We show that the optical Sagnac effect …
optomechanical resonator and a spinning resonator. We show that the optical Sagnac effect …
Magnonic frequency comb through nonlinear magnon-skyrmion scattering
An optical frequency comb consists of a set of discrete and equally spaced frequencies and
has found wide applications in the synthesis over a broad range of spectral frequencies of …
has found wide applications in the synthesis over a broad range of spectral frequencies of …