On being 'systematic'in literature reviews in IS

SK Boell, D Cecez-Kecmanovic - Journal of information …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
General guidelines for conducting literature reviews often do not address the question of
literature searches and dealing with a potentially large number of identified sources. These …

Information overload: An overview

D Bawden, L Robinson - 2020 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
For almost as long as there has been recorded information, there has been a perception that
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about'too much to read'have been expressed …

A hermeneutic approach for conducting literature reviews and literature searches

SK Boell, D Cecez-Kecmanovic - Communications of the …, 2014 - aisel.aisnet.org
The quality and success of scholarly work depends in large measure on the quality of the
literature review process. This paper advances conceptual understanding of the literature …

Information overload: An introduction

D Bawden, L Robinson - Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2020 - oxfordre.com
For almost as long as there has been recorded information, there has been a perception that
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about “too much to read” have been …

Literature reviews and the hermeneutic circle

SK Boell, D Cecez-Kecmanovic - Australian Academic & Research …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Conducting a literature review is a vital part of any research. Library and information science
(LIS) professionals often play a central role in supporting academics in their efforts to locate …

[BOK][B] Metodolog¡ a de la investigaci¢ n: para administraci¢ n, econom¡ a, humanidades y ciencias sociales

CAB Torres - 2006 - books.google.com
El libro está orientado hacia quienes se inician en el tema de la investigación científica. Se
busca introducir a los estudiantes en el campo de la investigación y entrenarlos en el …

Developments and challenges of foresight evaluation: Review of the past 30 years of research

BK Ko, JS Yang - Futures, 2024 - Elsevier
As a particular subfield of futures studies, foresight evaluation has not yet been thoroughly
studied. This paper investigates research on foresight evaluation, reviewing authors …

Tracing the boundaries between sustainable cities and cities for sustainable development. An LDA analysis of management studies

L Ligorio, A Venturelli, F Caputo - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2022 - Elsevier
In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have focused their attention on the
absence of a comprehensive definition of 'sustainable cities'. The discussion has also …

Stance and engagement in English and Arabic research article abstracts

S Alghazo, MN Al Salem, I Alrashdan - System, 2021 - Elsevier
Research in the area of intercultural rhetoric has mainly focused on academic writing in
English and other languages. However, the writing of research article abstracts in English …

Why are abstracts in PhD theses and research articles different? A genre-specific perspective

DAS El-Dakhs - Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2018 - Elsevier
The current study investigates why abstracts are written differently in theses and research
articles. To this end, 200 abstracts of PhD theses in prestigious American and British …