On being 'systematic'in literature reviews in IS
General guidelines for conducting literature reviews often do not address the question of
literature searches and dealing with a potentially large number of identified sources. These …
literature searches and dealing with a potentially large number of identified sources. These …
Information overload: An overview
D Bawden, L Robinson - 2020 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
For almost as long as there has been recorded information, there has been a perception that
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about'too much to read'have been expressed …
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about'too much to read'have been expressed …
A hermeneutic approach for conducting literature reviews and literature searches
The quality and success of scholarly work depends in large measure on the quality of the
literature review process. This paper advances conceptual understanding of the literature …
literature review process. This paper advances conceptual understanding of the literature …
Information overload: An introduction
For almost as long as there has been recorded information, there has been a perception that
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about “too much to read” have been …
humanity has been overloaded by it. Concerns about “too much to read” have been …
Literature reviews and the hermeneutic circle
Conducting a literature review is a vital part of any research. Library and information science
(LIS) professionals often play a central role in supporting academics in their efforts to locate …
(LIS) professionals often play a central role in supporting academics in their efforts to locate …
[BOK][B] Metodolog¡ a de la investigaci¢ n: para administraci¢ n, econom¡ a, humanidades y ciencias sociales
CAB Torres - 2006 - books.google.com
El libro está orientado hacia quienes se inician en el tema de la investigación científica. Se
busca introducir a los estudiantes en el campo de la investigación y entrenarlos en el …
busca introducir a los estudiantes en el campo de la investigación y entrenarlos en el …
Developments and challenges of foresight evaluation: Review of the past 30 years of research
BK Ko, JS Yang - Futures, 2024 - Elsevier
As a particular subfield of futures studies, foresight evaluation has not yet been thoroughly
studied. This paper investigates research on foresight evaluation, reviewing authors …
studied. This paper investigates research on foresight evaluation, reviewing authors …
Tracing the boundaries between sustainable cities and cities for sustainable development. An LDA analysis of management studies
In recent years, an increasing number of researchers have focused their attention on the
absence of a comprehensive definition of 'sustainable cities'. The discussion has also …
absence of a comprehensive definition of 'sustainable cities'. The discussion has also …
Stance and engagement in English and Arabic research article abstracts
Research in the area of intercultural rhetoric has mainly focused on academic writing in
English and other languages. However, the writing of research article abstracts in English …
English and other languages. However, the writing of research article abstracts in English …
Why are abstracts in PhD theses and research articles different? A genre-specific perspective
DAS El-Dakhs - Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2018 - Elsevier
The current study investigates why abstracts are written differently in theses and research
articles. To this end, 200 abstracts of PhD theses in prestigious American and British …
articles. To this end, 200 abstracts of PhD theses in prestigious American and British …