Recent review for removal of metal ions by hydrogels
ABSTRACT A continuous research is going to synthesize the novel adsorbents for removal
of toxic metal ions having high sorption capacity along with non-toxic and biodegradable …
of toxic metal ions having high sorption capacity along with non-toxic and biodegradable …
Graphene-supported organic-inorganic layered double hydroxides and their environmental applications: A review
Functional properties of two-dimensional (2D) nano-hybrid materials have received much
attention in advanced research and technology due to exponential need of green energy …
attention in advanced research and technology due to exponential need of green energy …
A critical review on the prospect of polyaniline-grafted biodegradable nanocomposite
Among the various electrically conducting polymers, polyaniline (PANI) has gained
attentions due to its unique properties and do** chemistry. A number of electrically …
attentions due to its unique properties and do** chemistry. A number of electrically …
Titanium-based nanocomposite materials: a review of recent advances and perspectives
This article explains recent advances in the synthesis and characterization of novel titanium-
based nanocomposite materials. Currently, it is a pressing concern to develop innovative …
based nanocomposite materials. Currently, it is a pressing concern to develop innovative …
Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial activity and applications of polyanilineTi (IV) arsenophosphate adsorbent for the analysis of organic and inorganic pollutants
A novel polyaniline based composite cation exchange material has been synthesized by
simple chemical route and characterized on the basis of sophisticated techniques. XRD and …
simple chemical route and characterized on the basis of sophisticated techniques. XRD and …
Risk assessment of metal contamination in soil and groundwater in Asia: a review of recent trends as well as existing environmental laws and regulations
Asia is experiencing a more rapid economic growth compared to any other regions. The
contamination of soil and groundwater with metals can mainly be attributed to human …
contamination of soil and groundwater with metals can mainly be attributed to human …
Acrylic polymer emulsion supported bentonite clay coating for the analysis of industrial dye
Bentonite modified APE/bentonite-CCF (CAC) composite adsorbent coating has been
developed using a very simple sol-gel route. The coating was prepared by the mixing of …
developed using a very simple sol-gel route. The coating was prepared by the mixing of …
FTIR study and bioadsorption kinetics of bioadsorbent for the analysis of metal pollutants
Elevated concentrations of heavy metals in groundwater cause many environmental
problems. The present paper reports adsorption behavior of a green bioadsorbent …
problems. The present paper reports adsorption behavior of a green bioadsorbent …
Sorptive uptake of selenium with magnetite and its supported materials onto activated carbon
Kinetic and equilibrium uptake studies of selenite in aqueous solution with synthetic
magnetite (Mag-P), commercial magnetite (Mag-C), goethite, activated carbon (AC), and a …
magnetite (Mag-P), commercial magnetite (Mag-C), goethite, activated carbon (AC), and a …
Polyaniline/carbon nanotube-graphite modified electrode sensor for detection of bisphenol A
Endocrine disruptors bisphenol A (BPA) have dreadful impacts on both humans and
animals. A highly sensitive polyaniline-MWCNT-graphite (PANI-MWCNT-Gr)-base electrode …
animals. A highly sensitive polyaniline-MWCNT-graphite (PANI-MWCNT-Gr)-base electrode …