Automatic commit message generation: A critical review and directions for future work
Commit messages are critical for code comprehension and software maintenance. Writing a
high-quality message requires skill and effort. To support developers and reduce their effort …
high-quality message requires skill and effort. To support developers and reduce their effort …
How do software developers use github actions to automate their workflows?
Automated tools are frequently used in social coding repositories to perform repetitive
activities that are part of the distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub …
activities that are part of the distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub …
From commit message generation to history-aware commit message completion
Commit messages are crucial to software development, allowing developers to track
changes and collaborate effectively. Despite their utility, most commit messages lack …
changes and collaborate effectively. Despite their utility, most commit messages lack …
Pull request latency explained: An empirical overview
Pull request latency evaluation is an essential application of effort evaluation in the pull-
based development scenario. It can help the reviewers sort the pull request queue, remind …
based development scenario. It can help the reviewers sort the pull request queue, remind …
Don't disturb me: Challenges of interacting with software bots on open source software projects
Software bots are used to streamline tasks in Open Source Software (OSS) projects' pull
requests, saving development cost, time, and effort. However, their presence can be …
requests, saving development cost, time, and effort. However, their presence can be …
Improving automated code reviews: Learning from experience
Modern code review is a critical quality assurance process that is widely adopted in both
industry and open source software environments. This process can help newcomers learn …
industry and open source software environments. This process can help newcomers learn …
Understanding participation and corporatization in service of diversity in free/libre and open source software development projects
Issues associated with a lack of diversity and inclusivity persist in the domain of free/libre
and open source software (FLOSS) development and in software development generally …
and open source software (FLOSS) development and in software development generally …
BotHunter: An approach to detect software bots in GitHub
Bots have become popular in software projects as they play critical roles, from running tests
to fixing bugs/vulnerabilities. However, the large number of software bots adds extra effort to …
to fixing bugs/vulnerabilities. However, the large number of software bots adds extra effort to …
GitHub Actions: The Impact on the Pull Request Process
Software projects frequently use automation tools to perform repetitive activities in the
distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub introduced GitHub Actions, a …
distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub introduced GitHub Actions, a …
Automatic core-developer identification on GitHub: A validation study
Many open-source software projects are self-organized and do not maintain official lists with
information on developer roles. So, knowing which developers take core and maintainer …
information on developer roles. So, knowing which developers take core and maintainer …