Data modeling and nosql databases-a systematic map** review

H Vera-Olivera, R Guo, RC Huacarpuma… - ACM Computing …, 2021 -
Modeling is one of the most important steps in develo** a database. In traditional
databases, the Entity Relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are …

[PDF][PDF] A Systematic Review of Automated Classification for Simple and Complex Query SQL on NoSQL Database.

RA Kadir, ESM Surin, MR Sarker - Computer Systems Science & …, 2024 -
ABSTRACT A data lake (DL), abbreviated as DL, denotes a vast reservoir or repository of
data. It accumulates substantial volumes of data and employs advanced analytics to …

Map** CRUD to Events-Towards an object to event-sourcing framework

M Pantelelis, C Kalloniatis - Proceedings of the 26th Pan-Hellenic …, 2022 -
Accessing objects in software applications usually breaks down to four basic operations:
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). The latter is a well-known pattern in software …

Schema generation for document stores using workload-driven approach

N Bansal, S Sachdeva, LK Awasthi - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024 - Springer
Although there are numerous data modeling tools for relational databases, data modeling
for NoSQL databases has seen another perspective. These databases (a) do not define any …

Dsp: Schema design for non-relational applications

AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, AA Wahab… - Symmetry, 2020 -
The way a database schema is designed has a high impact on its performance in relational
databases, which are symmetric in nature. While the problem of schema optimization is even …

Create, Read, Update, Delete: Implications on Security and Privacy Principles regarding GDPR

M Pantelelis, C Kalloniatis - … of the 19th International Conference on …, 2024 -
Create, Read, Update and Delete operations (CRUD) are a well-established abstraction to
model data access in software systems of different architectures. Most system requirements …

Query-based denormalization using hypergraph (QBDNH): a schema transformation model for migrating relational to NoSQL databases

N Bansal, S Sachdeva, LK Awasthi - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2024 - Springer
With the emergence of NoSQL databases, many large applications have migrated from
relational databases (RDB) due to their superior flexibility and performance. Database …

A test model for database architectures: an assessment for job search engine systems

MC Bernal, Y Molina - Journal of applied research and technology, 2022 -
Abstract Information systems are increasingly complex structures due to the diversity of
processes involved and the big data generated, hence data management is essential …

A novel Decision Support System for modern Relational and Non-Relational Database Systems

PW Jordaan - 2023 -
Data-based application design and development can be complex and difficult to navigate.
With relational and non-relational database technologies, each with divergent paradigms, it …

Analiza modeliranja dokumentno-orientiranih podatkovnih baz NoSQL

P Šiško - 2020 -
Popularnost podatkovnih baz NoSQL narašča predvsem zaradi podpore fleksibilnosti,
preprostosti in učinkovitega reševanja problemov shranjevanja velike količine tako …