Data modeling and nosql databases-a systematic map** review
H Vera-Olivera, R Guo, RC Huacarpuma… - ACM Computing …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Modeling is one of the most important steps in develo** a database. In traditional
databases, the Entity Relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are …
databases, the Entity Relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are …
[PDF][PDF] A Systematic Review of Automated Classification for Simple and Complex Query SQL on NoSQL Database.
ABSTRACT A data lake (DL), abbreviated as DL, denotes a vast reservoir or repository of
data. It accumulates substantial volumes of data and employs advanced analytics to …
data. It accumulates substantial volumes of data and employs advanced analytics to …
Map** CRUD to Events-Towards an object to event-sourcing framework
Accessing objects in software applications usually breaks down to four basic operations:
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). The latter is a well-known pattern in software …
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). The latter is a well-known pattern in software …
Schema generation for document stores using workload-driven approach
Although there are numerous data modeling tools for relational databases, data modeling
for NoSQL databases has seen another perspective. These databases (a) do not define any …
for NoSQL databases has seen another perspective. These databases (a) do not define any …
Dsp: Schema design for non-relational applications
The way a database schema is designed has a high impact on its performance in relational
databases, which are symmetric in nature. While the problem of schema optimization is even …
databases, which are symmetric in nature. While the problem of schema optimization is even …
Create, Read, Update, Delete: Implications on Security and Privacy Principles regarding GDPR
Create, Read, Update and Delete operations (CRUD) are a well-established abstraction to
model data access in software systems of different architectures. Most system requirements …
model data access in software systems of different architectures. Most system requirements …
Query-based denormalization using hypergraph (QBDNH): a schema transformation model for migrating relational to NoSQL databases
With the emergence of NoSQL databases, many large applications have migrated from
relational databases (RDB) due to their superior flexibility and performance. Database …
relational databases (RDB) due to their superior flexibility and performance. Database …
A test model for database architectures: an assessment for job search engine systems
MC Bernal, Y Molina - Journal of applied research and technology, 2022 - scielo.org.mx
Abstract Information systems are increasingly complex structures due to the diversity of
processes involved and the big data generated, hence data management is essential …
processes involved and the big data generated, hence data management is essential …
A novel Decision Support System for modern Relational and Non-Relational Database Systems
PW Jordaan - 2023 - repository.nwu.ac.za
Data-based application design and development can be complex and difficult to navigate.
With relational and non-relational database technologies, each with divergent paradigms, it …
With relational and non-relational database technologies, each with divergent paradigms, it …
Analiza modeliranja dokumentno-orientiranih podatkovnih baz NoSQL
P Šiško - 2020 - dk.um.si
Popularnost podatkovnih baz NoSQL narašča predvsem zaradi podpore fleksibilnosti,
preprostosti in učinkovitega reševanja problemov shranjevanja velike količine tako …
preprostosti in učinkovitega reševanja problemov shranjevanja velike količine tako …