Encircling the Liouvillian exceptional points: a brief review

K Sun, W Yi - AAPPS Bulletin, 2024 - Springer
Exceptional points are the branch-point singularities of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and
have rich consequences in open-system dynamics. While the exceptional points and their …

Entanglement dynamics in monitored systems and the role of quantum jumps

Y Le Gal, X Turkeshi, M Schirò - PRX Quantum, 2024 - APS
Monitored quantum many-body systems display a rich pattern of entanglement dynamics,
which is unique to this nonunitary setting. This work studies the effect of quantum jumps on …

Non-Markovian quantum exceptional points

JD Lin, PC Kuo, N Lambert, A Miranowicz… - Nature …, 2025 - nature.com
Exceptional points (EPs) are singularities in the spectra of non-Hermitian operators where
eigenvalues and eigenvectors coalesce. Open quantum systems have recently been …

Quantum entanglement and non-Hermiticity in free-fermion systems

LM Chen, Y Zhou, SA Chen, P Ye - Chinese Physics Letters, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
This topical review article reports rapid progress on the generalization and application of
entanglement in non-Hermitian free-fermion quantum systems. We begin by examining the …

Exceptional Entanglement and Quantum Sensing with a Parity‐Time‐Symmetric Two‐Qubit System

J Zhang, YL Zhou, Y Zuo, H Zhang… - Advanced Quantum …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Parity‐time (PT) symmetric systems with gain‐loss balanced structures can have entirely
real eigenenergy spectra despite their non‐Hermitian nature, leading to peculiar discoveries …

Fate of non-Hermitian free fermions with Wannier-Stark ladder

HZ Li, M Wan, JX Zhong - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The Wannier-Stark localization dynamically alters the entanglement behavior of non-
Hermitian free fermions. Utilizing the single-particle correlation matrix technique, we analyze …

Dissipation-free approach for realizing non-Hermitian dynamics in a superconducting circuit

YH Kang, Y **ao, Y Wang, QP Su, CP Yang - Science China Physics …, 2025 - Springer
Non-Hermitian dynamics exhibits a wealth of surprising and potentially useful phenomena.
However, it is typically realized by coupling a system with thermal reservoirs, which makes …

Nonadiabatic transitions in non-Hermitian -symmetric two-level systems

JS Pan, F Wu - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We systematically characterize the dynamical evolution of time-parity (PT)-symmetric two-
level systems with spin-dependent dissipations. If the control parameters of the gap are …

Non-Hermiticity in quantum nonlinear optics through symplectic transformations

R Wakefield, A Laing, YN Joglekar - Applied Physics Letters, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Over the past decade, classical optical systems with gain or loss, modeled by non-Hermitian
parity-time symmetric Hamiltonians, have been deeply investigated. Yet, their applicability to …

Measuring topological invariants for higher-order exceptional points in quantum three-mode systems

PR Han, W Ning, XJ Huang, RH Zheng… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Owing to the presence of exceptional points (EPs), non-Hermitian (NH) systems can display
intriguing topological phenomena without Hermitian analogs. However, experimental …