Design and optimization of TiO2-based photocatalysts for efficient removal of pharmaceutical pollutants in water: Recent developments and challenges
The presence of pharmaceutical compounds as emerging organic pollutants in water bodies
has raised considerable concerns regarding their environmental impacts and potential …
has raised considerable concerns regarding their environmental impacts and potential …
A review of the use of semiconductors as catalysts in the photocatalytic inactivation of microorganisms
Obtaining clean and high-quality water free of pathogenic microorganisms is a worldwide
challenge. Various techniques have been investigated for achieving an effective removal or …
challenge. Various techniques have been investigated for achieving an effective removal or …
Transition metal-doped SnO2 and graphene oxide (GO) supported nanocomposites as efficient photocatalysts and antibacterial agents
In the present work, pristine and transition metal (TM)(W, Ag, Zn)-doped SnO2 nanocrystals
using a facile sol–gel approach were synthesized. The grown products were anchored on …
using a facile sol–gel approach were synthesized. The grown products were anchored on …
[HTML][HTML] Graphene quantum dot and iron co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts: Synthesis, performance evaluation and phytotoxicity studies
The present study reports the synthesis, photocatalytic decolorization of reactive black 5 dye
and phytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and iron co-doped TiO 2 photocatalysts …
and phytotoxicity of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and iron co-doped TiO 2 photocatalysts …
An Overview of Recent Developments in Improving the Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2-Based Materials for the Treatment of Indoor Air and Bacterial Inactivation
Indoor air quality has become a significant public health concern. The low cost and high
efficiency of photocatalytic technology make it a natural choice for achieving deep air …
efficiency of photocatalytic technology make it a natural choice for achieving deep air …
Improved photocatalytic decolorization of reactive black 5 dye through synthesis of graphene quantum dots–nitrogen-doped TiO2
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs), a new solid-state electron transfer material was anchored
to nitrogen-doped TiO2 via sol gel method. The introduction of GQDs effectively extended …
to nitrogen-doped TiO2 via sol gel method. The introduction of GQDs effectively extended …
Methods and strategies for producing porous photocatalysts
The desire to improve photocatalytic activity is keep growing. The Porous photocatalyst been
synthesized with significant improvement in its surface area and reduction in the electron …
synthesized with significant improvement in its surface area and reduction in the electron …
Low temperature curable titanium-based sols for visible light photocatalytic coatings for glass and polymeric substrates
A Angulo-Ibáñez, N Luengo, E Aranzabe… - New Journal of …, 2022 -
The sol–gel method provides a simple and versatile synthesis route to prepare
photocatalytic coatings of benchmark catalyst titanium oxide (TiO2). However, photoactive …
photocatalytic coatings of benchmark catalyst titanium oxide (TiO2). However, photoactive …
Visible Light-Induced Reactive Yellow 145 Discoloration: Structural and Photocatalytic Studies of Graphene Quantum Dot-Incorporated TiO2
Visible light-induced photocatalytic treatment of organic waste is considered a green and
efficient route. This study explored the structural and photocatalytic performance of …
efficient route. This study explored the structural and photocatalytic performance of …
[HTML][HTML] Photocatalytic mineralization of diisopropanolamine (DIPA) from natural gas industry wastewater under visible light irradiation: Response surface optimization …
The photocatalytic mineralization of diiospropanolamin (DIPA) in aqueous solution was
investigated employing modified TiO 2 under visible light. Response surface methodology …
investigated employing modified TiO 2 under visible light. Response surface methodology …