Action observation for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke
LRDM Borges, ABGS Fernandes… - Cochrane Database …, 2022 - cochranelibrary.com
Action observation for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke - Borges, LRDM - 2022 | Cochrane
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Mirror neurons and their relationship with neurodegenerative disorders
The finding of mirror neurons (MNs) has provided a biological substrate to a new concept of
cognition, relating data on actions and perceptions not only to integrate perception in action …
cognition, relating data on actions and perceptions not only to integrate perception in action …
Feasibility and efficacy of a robotic device for hand rehabilitation in hemiplegic stroke patients: a randomized pilot controlled study
F Vanoglio, P Bernocchi, C Mulè… - Clinical …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of robot-
assisted hand rehabilitation in improving arm function abilities in sub-acute hemiplegic …
assisted hand rehabilitation in improving arm function abilities in sub-acute hemiplegic …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of tool-use observation on metric body representation and peripersonal space
In everyday life, we constantly act and interact with objects and with others' people through
our body. To properly perform actions, the representations of the dimension of body-parts …
our body. To properly perform actions, the representations of the dimension of body-parts …
The mirror neurons network in aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer disease: A functional MRI study
The aim of the current study is to investigate the integrity of the Mirror Neurons (MN) network
in normal aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer disease (AD). Although AD …
in normal aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer disease (AD). Although AD …
The neural and behavioral correlates of anomia recovery following personalized observation, execution, and mental imagery therapy: a proof of concept
The impact of sensorimotor strategies on aphasia recovery has rarely been explored. This
paper reports on the efficacy of personalized observation, execution, and mental imagery …
paper reports on the efficacy of personalized observation, execution, and mental imagery …
Effect of action observation therapy on motor function in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials with meta-analysis
N Abdelhaleem, S Taher, M Mahmoud… - Clinical …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective: To evaluate the evidence of using Action Observation Therapy in the
rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy. Study design: Systematic review with meta …
rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy. Study design: Systematic review with meta …
Effectiveness of an intensive, functional, gamified Rehabilitation program in improving upper limb motor function in people with stroke: A protocol of the EnteRtain …
Introduction Game-based rehabilitation is an emerging therapeutic intervention that allows
intensive, repetitive, task-based training to improve upper limb (UL) function following stroke …
intensive, repetitive, task-based training to improve upper limb (UL) function following stroke …
Learning by observing: the effect of multiple sessions of action-observation training on the spontaneous movement tempo and motor resonance
The present study was designed to explore the changes in motor performance and motor
resonance after multiple sessions of action observation (AO) training. Subjects were …
resonance after multiple sessions of action observation (AO) training. Subjects were …
Children with Cerebral Palsy can imagine actions like their normally developed peers
The present study aimed at assessing whether children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) can
imagine object directed actions similarly to their normally developed peers. We asked …
imagine object directed actions similarly to their normally developed peers. We asked …