Understanding impacts of fisheries bycatch on marine megafauna
Hunting by humans played a major role in extirpating terrestrial megafauna on several
continents and megafaunal loss continues today in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems …
continents and megafaunal loss continues today in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems …
Recovery of marine animal populations and ecosystems
Many marine populations and ecosystems have experienced strong historical depletions,
yet reports of recoveries are increasing. Here, we review the growing research on marine …
yet reports of recoveries are increasing. Here, we review the growing research on marine …
Global catches, exploitation rates, and rebuilding options for sharks
Adequate conservation and management of shark populations is becoming increasingly
important on a global scale, especially because many species are exceptionally vulnerable …
important on a global scale, especially because many species are exceptionally vulnerable …
Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots
Recent research on ocean health has found large predator abundance to be a key element
of ocean condition. Fisheries can impact large predator abundance directly through targeted …
of ocean condition. Fisheries can impact large predator abundance directly through targeted …
Global research priorities for sea turtles: informing management and conservation in the 21st century
Over the past 3 decades, the status of sea turtles and the need for their protection to aid
population recovery have increasingly captured the interest of government agencies, non …
population recovery have increasingly captured the interest of government agencies, non …
Defining and estimating global marine fisheries bycatch
RWD Davies, SJ Cripps, A Nickson, G Porter - Marine Policy, 2009 - Elsevier
Unselective fishing catches non-target organisms as 'bycatch'—an issue of critical ocean
conservation and resource management concern. However, the situation is confused …
conservation and resource management concern. However, the situation is confused …
Key issues in assessing threats to sea turtles: knowledge gaps and future directions
Sea turtles are an iconic group of marine megafauna that have been exposed to multiple
anthropogenic threats across their different life stages, especially in the past decades. This …
anthropogenic threats across their different life stages, especially in the past decades. This …
Considering indigenous peoples and local communities in governance of the global ocean commons
Abstract The United Nations are currently negotiating a new international legally-binding
instrument to govern the global ocean commons, a vast area beyond national jurisdiction …
instrument to govern the global ocean commons, a vast area beyond national jurisdiction …
Impacts of fisheries bycatch on marine turtle populations worldwide: toward conservation and research priorities
Fisheries bycatch is considered the most serious threat globally to long‐lived marine
megafauna (eg, mammals, birds, turtles, elasmobranchs). However, bycatch assessments to …
megafauna (eg, mammals, birds, turtles, elasmobranchs). However, bycatch assessments to …
Global patterns of marine turtle bycatch
Fisheries bycatch is a primary driver of population declines in several species of marine
megafauna (eg, elasmobranchs, mammals, seabirds, turtles). Characterizing the global …
megafauna (eg, elasmobranchs, mammals, seabirds, turtles). Characterizing the global …