Humboldt's enigma: What causes global patterns of mountain biodiversity?
Mountains contribute disproportionately to the terrestrial biodiversity of Earth, especially in
the tropics, where they host hotspots of extraordinary and puzzling richness. With about 25 …
the tropics, where they host hotspots of extraordinary and puzzling richness. With about 25 …
Building mountain biodiversity: Geological and evolutionary processes
Mountain regions are unusually biodiverse, with rich aggregations of small-ranged species
that form centers of endemism. Mountains play an array of roles for Earth's biodiversity and …
that form centers of endemism. Mountains play an array of roles for Earth's biodiversity and …
Geological and climatic influences on mountain biodiversity
Mountains are key features of the Earth's surface and host a substantial proportion of the
world's species. However, the links between the evolution and distribution of biodiversity …
world's species. However, the links between the evolution and distribution of biodiversity …
Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and graves
INTRODUCTION Individual processes that shape geographical patterns of biodiversity are
increasingly understood, but their complex interactions on broad spatial and temporal scales …
increasingly understood, but their complex interactions on broad spatial and temporal scales …
Tectonics, climate and the diversification of the tropical African terrestrial flora and fauna
Tropical Africa is home to an astonishing biodiversity occurring in a variety of ecosystems.
Past climatic change and geological events have impacted the evolution and diversification …
Past climatic change and geological events have impacted the evolution and diversification …
Environmental heterogeneity as a universal driver of species richness across taxa, biomes and spatial scales
A Stein, K Gerstner, H Kreft - Ecology letters, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental heterogeneity is regarded as one of the most important factors governing
species richness gradients. An increase in available niche space, provision of refuges and …
species richness gradients. An increase in available niche space, provision of refuges and …
Drainage divide migration and implications for climate and biodiversity
Drainage divides separate Earth's surface into individual river basins. Divide migration
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …
Biogeographic regions and events of isolation and diversification of the endemic biota of the tropical Andes
NA Hazzi, JS Moreno, C Ortiz-Movliav… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Understanding the spatial and temporal evolution of biota in the tropical Andes is a major
challenge, given the region's topographic complexity and high beta diversity. We used a …
challenge, given the region's topographic complexity and high beta diversity. We used a …
The role of the uplift of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau for the evolution of Tibetan biotas
Biodiversity is unevenly distributed on Earth and hotspots of biodiversity are often
associated with areas that have undergone orogenic activity during recent geological history …
associated with areas that have undergone orogenic activity during recent geological history …
Topography‐driven isolation, speciation and a global increase of endemism with elevation
Aim Higher‐elevation areas on islands and continental mountains tend to be separated by
longer distances, predicting higher endemism at higher elevations; our study is the first to …
longer distances, predicting higher endemism at higher elevations; our study is the first to …