The optimal target for acute glycemic control in critically ill patients: a network meta-analysis
T Yatabe, S Inoue, M Sakaguchi, M Egi - Intensive care medicine, 2017 - Springer
Purpose The optimal target blood glucose concentration for acute glycemic control remains
unclear because few studies have directly compared 144–180 with 110–144 or> 180 mg/dL …
unclear because few studies have directly compared 144–180 with 110–144 or> 180 mg/dL …
Society of critical care medicine guidelines on glycemic control for critically ill children and adults 2024
K Honarmand, M Sirimaturos, EL Hirshberg… - Critical care …, 2024 - journals.lww.com
Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Glycemic Con... : Critical Care Medicine
Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Glycemic Control for Critically Ill Children and …
Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Glycemic Control for Critically Ill Children and …
Is intensive glucose control bad for critically ill patients? A systematic review and meta-analysis
R Yao, C Ren, G Wu, Y Zhu, Z **a… - International journal of …, 2020 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: The monitoring and management of blood glucose concentration are standard
practices in critical settings as hyperglycaemia has been shown close association with …
practices in critical settings as hyperglycaemia has been shown close association with …
A patient-level meta-analysis of intensive glucose control in critically ill adults
Background Whether intensive glucose control reduces mortality in critically ill patients
remains uncertain. Patient-level meta-analyses can provide more precise estimates of …
remains uncertain. Patient-level meta-analyses can provide more precise estimates of …
Predisposing factors for hypoglycemia and its relation with mortality in critically ill patients undergoing insulin therapy in an intensive care unit
Background: Hypoglycemia is a common and the most important complication of intensive
insulin therapy in critically ill patients. Because of hypoglycemia's impact on the cardinal …
insulin therapy in critically ill patients. Because of hypoglycemia's impact on the cardinal …
Validity of bedside blood glucose measurement in critically ill patients with intensive insulin therapy
Background and Aims: There have been variable results on the practice of tight glycemic
control, and studies have demonstrated that point-of-care (POC) glucometers have variable …
control, and studies have demonstrated that point-of-care (POC) glucometers have variable …
Relationship between glycated hemoglobin, Intensive Care Unit admission blood sugar and glucose control with ICU mortality in critically ill patients
Background and Aims: The association between hyperglycemia and mortality is believed to
be influenced by the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study, we evaluated the …
be influenced by the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study, we evaluated the …
[PDF][PDF] Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Self-care Behaviors, and the Quality of Life of Women at Risk of Preterm Labor.
R Dargahi, Z Bahrami-Asl, A Dorosti… - International Journal of …, 2022 - ijwhr.net
Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Self-care
Behaviors, and the Quality of Life of W Page 1 Introduction Stress during pregnancy causes …
Behaviors, and the Quality of Life of W Page 1 Introduction Stress during pregnancy causes …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of epidural injection of glucocorticoid and its combination with bupivacaine in palliating chronic low back pain due to discopathy
Chronic low back pain is defined as consistent or pendulous pain over 3 months. Epidural
steroid injections (ESI) are common in treatment of chronic back pain. The present study was …
steroid injections (ESI) are common in treatment of chronic back pain. The present study was …
Dysglycemia in Critically Ill Patients: Common Problems and Future Direction
The management of blood glucose (BG) in the critically ill became a topic of great interest
following the publication of the landmark single-center surgical ICU study targeting …
following the publication of the landmark single-center surgical ICU study targeting …