Opto-mechanical photonic crystal cavities for sensing application

J **a, Q Qiao, G Zhou, FS Chau, G Zhou - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
A new class of hybrid systems that couple optical and mechanical nanoscale devices is
under development. According to their interaction concepts, two groups of opto-mechanical …

Optomechanical sensing with on-chip microcavities

YW Hu, YF **ao, YC Liu, Q Gong - Frontiers of Physics, 2013 - Springer
The coupling between optical and mechanical degrees of freedom has been of broad
interest for a long time. However, it is only until recently, with the rapid development of …

Coherent phonon manipulation in coupled mechanical resonators

H Okamoto, A Gourgout, CY Chang, K Onomitsu… - Nature Physics, 2013 - nature.com
Coupled nanomechanical resonators have recently attracted great attention for both
practical applications and fundamental studies owing to their sensitive sympathetic …

Tunable photon blockade in a hybrid system consisting of an optomechanical device coupled to a two-level system

H Wang, X Gu, Y Liu, A Miranowicz, F Nori - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
We study photon blockade and antibunching in the cavity of an optomechanical system in
which the mechanical resonator is coupled to a two-level system (TLS). In particular, we …

Photothermal self-oscillation and laser cooling of graphene optomechanical systems

RA Barton, IR Storch, VP Adiga, R Sakakibara… - Nano …, 2012 - ACS Publications
By virtue of their low mass and stiffness, atomically thin mechanical resonators are attractive
candidates for use in optomechanics. Here, we demonstrate photothermal back-action in a …

Dissipative and dispersive optomechanics in a nanocavity torque sensor

M Wu, AC Hryciw, C Healey, DP Lake, H Jayakumar… - Physical Review X, 2014 - APS
Dissipative and dispersive optomechanical couplings are experimentally observed in a
photonic crystal split-beam nanocavity optimized for detecting nanoscale sources of torque …

Single-crystal diamond nanobeam waveguide optomechanics

B Khanaliloo, H Jayakumar, AC Hryciw, DP Lake… - Physical Review X, 2015 - APS
Single-crystal diamond optomechanical devices have the potential to enable fundamental
studies and technologies coupling mechanical vibrations to both light and electronic …

Strong optomechanical interactions in a sliced photonic crystal nanobeam

R Leijssen, E Verhagen - Scientific reports, 2015 - nature.com
Coupling between mechanical and optical degrees of freedom is strongly enhanced by
using subwavelength optical mode profiles. We realize an optomechanical system based on …

Aluminum nitride piezo-acousto-photonic crystal nanocavity with high quality factors

L Fan, X Sun, C **ong, C Schuck, HX Tang - Applied Physics Letters, 2013 - pubs.aip.org
We develop a piezoelectrically actuated, one-dimensional acoustic and photonic crystal
nanocavity fabricated from aluminum nitride (AlN). Through simultaneous band structure …

Nanoscale torsional optomechanics

PH Kim, C Doolin, BD Hauer, AJR MacDonald… - Applied Physics …, 2013 - pubs.aip.org
Optomechanical transduction is demonstrated for nanoscale torsional resonators
evanescently coupled to optical microdisk whispering gallery mode resonators. The on-chip …