[KNYGA][B] Mathematical methods in time series analysis and digital image processing

R Dahlhaus, J Kurths, P Maass, J Timmer - 2007 - books.google.com
The aim of this volume is to bring together research directions in theoretical signal and
imaging processing developed rather independently in electrical engineering, theoretical …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

D Lorenz, T Köhler - A comparison of denoising methods for one …, 2005 - Citeseer
This report presents the results of a comparison of denoising methods for one dimensional
time series. The comparison has been carried out within the DFG Priority Program 1114” …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

S Didas, S Setzer, G Steidl - mia.uni-saarland.de
[70] Björn Schelter, Matthias Winterhalder, K. Schwab, Lutz Leistritz, Wolfram Hesse, R.
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

V Reitmann, H Kantz - vreitmann.de
{4|} 2 FXFF gd F g F q! X VF¡ g¢£ F¤¤ F w X 4 F v¥¦ § v H©¡¡ ª q¦ V 4 v «e $ F v¦ g 4¦ g£¢¥¬ $~
C¡!~ F® C¢¬ V 0 4¤¦ qsg¡ g@±2 ² RF ³ v¡ g F kµP¤© i F®# V¶ µ·¦¤ g¢¥ 4¡ gs V¤¬ F ¹¦¢ º ¹¦ g …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

S Dahlke, M Fornasier, H Rauhut, G Steidl, G Teschke - userwww.hs-nb.de
This paper is concerned with generalizations and specific applications of the coorbit space
theory based on group representations modulo quotients that has been developed quite …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

J Weickert, G Steidl, P Mrázek, M Welk, T Brox - Citeseer
Nonlinear diffusion filtering and wavelet shrinkage are two methods that serve the same
purpose, namely discontinuity-preserving denoising. In this chapter we give a survey on …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

G Steidl, S Didas, J Neumann - mia.uni-saarland.de
[70] Björn Schelter, Matthias Winterhalder, K. Schwab, Lutz Leistritz, Wolfram Hesse, R.
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …

[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

M Holschneider, MS Diallo, M Kulesh, F Scherbaum

[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

M Fenn, G Steidl

[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing

H Thielemann