[KNYGA][B] Mathematical methods in time series analysis and digital image processing
The aim of this volume is to bring together research directions in theoretical signal and
imaging processing developed rather independently in electrical engineering, theoretical …
imaging processing developed rather independently in electrical engineering, theoretical …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
D Lorenz, T Köhler - A comparison of denoising methods for one …, 2005 - Citeseer
This report presents the results of a comparison of denoising methods for one dimensional
time series. The comparison has been carried out within the DFG Priority Program 1114” …
time series. The comparison has been carried out within the DFG Priority Program 1114” …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
[70] Björn Schelter, Matthias Winterhalder, K. Schwab, Lutz Leistritz, Wolfram Hesse, R.
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
V Reitmann, H Kantz - vreitmann.de
{4|} 2 FXFF gd F g F q! X VF¡ g¢£ F¤¤ F w X 4 F v¥¦ § v H©¡¡ ª q¦ V 4 v «e $ F v¦ g 4¦ g£¢¥¬ $~
C¡!~ F® C¢¬ V 0 4¤¦ qsg¡ g@±2 ² RF ³ v¡ g F kµP¤© i F®# V¶ µ·¦¤ g¢¥ 4¡ gs V¤¬ F ¹¦¢ º ¹¦ g …
C¡!~ F® C¢¬ V 0 4¤¦ qsg¡ g@±2 ² RF ³ v¡ g F kµP¤© i F®# V¶ µ·¦¤ g¢¥ 4¡ gs V¤¬ F ¹¦¢ º ¹¦ g …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
This paper is concerned with generalizations and specific applications of the coorbit space
theory based on group representations modulo quotients that has been developed quite …
theory based on group representations modulo quotients that has been developed quite …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
Nonlinear diffusion filtering and wavelet shrinkage are two methods that serve the same
purpose, namely discontinuity-preserving denoising. In this chapter we give a survey on …
purpose, namely discontinuity-preserving denoising. In this chapter we give a survey on …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
G Steidl, S Didas, J Neumann - mia.uni-saarland.de
[70] Björn Schelter, Matthias Winterhalder, K. Schwab, Lutz Leistritz, Wolfram Hesse, R.
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …
Bauer, H. Witte, and Jens Timmer. Quantification of directed signal transfer within neural …
[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
M Holschneider, MS Diallo, M Kulesh, F Scherbaum…
[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
M Fenn, G Steidl
[CITATA][C] Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing
H Thielemann