Timing and mechanisms of Tibetan Plateau uplift
The timing of the initial India–Asia collision and the mechanisms that led to the eventual
formation of the high (> 5 km) Tibetan Plateau remain enigmatic. In this Review, we describe …
formation of the high (> 5 km) Tibetan Plateau remain enigmatic. In this Review, we describe …
Tibetan ore deposits: A conjunction of accretionary orogeny and continental collision
This paper reviews the spatial-temporal distribution, geological and geochemical features,
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
[PDF][PDF] Mesozoic–Cenozoic geological evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen and working tectonic hypotheses
The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen culminated during the Cenozoic India--Asia collision, but its
geological framework and initial growth were fundamentally the result of multiple, previous …
geological framework and initial growth were fundamentally the result of multiple, previous …
Crustal deformation in the India‐Eurasia collision zone from 25 years of GPS measurements
Abstract The India‐Eurasia collision zone is the largest deforming region on the planet;
direct measurements of present‐day deformation from Global Positioning System (GPS) …
direct measurements of present‐day deformation from Global Positioning System (GPS) …
Gangdese magmatism in southern Tibet and India–Asia convergence since 120 Ma
A compilation of 290 zircon U–Pb ages of intrusive rocks indicates that the Gangdese
Batholith in southern Tibet was emplaced from c. 210 Ma to c. 10 Ma. Two intense magmatic …
Batholith in southern Tibet was emplaced from c. 210 Ma to c. 10 Ma. Two intense magmatic …
Origin of postcollisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet
The recent discovery of large porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) associated with Miocene (22–
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …
Tearing of Indian mantle lithosphere from high-resolution seismic images and its implications for lithosphere coupling in southern Tibet
What happened to the Indian mantle lithosphere (IML) during the Indian–Eurasian collision
and what role it has played on the plateau growth are fundamental questions that remain …
and what role it has played on the plateau growth are fundamental questions that remain …
Three-dimensional kinematics of the India–Eurasia collision
L Wang, S Barbot - Communications Earth & Environment, 2023 - nature.com
The collision between India and Eurasia mobilizes multiple processes of continental
tectonics. However, how deformation develops within the lithosphere across the Tibetan …
tectonics. However, how deformation develops within the lithosphere across the Tibetan …
First evidence of eclogites overprinted by ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in Everest East, Himalaya: Implications for collisional tectonics on early Earth
Modern-style plate tectonics, often characterised by subduction, is a fundamental dynamic
process for planet Earth. Subduction related eclogites are widely used to indicate initiation of …
process for planet Earth. Subduction related eclogites are widely used to indicate initiation of …
[HTML][HTML] Geological, geophysical and plate kinematic constraints for models of the India-Asia collision and the post-Triassic central Tethys oceans
In this study, we integrate bedrock datasets, observations of subducted slabs in the mantle,
and plate kinematic constraints to constrain models for the India-Asia collision and the …
and plate kinematic constraints to constrain models for the India-Asia collision and the …