[HTML][HTML] A review of unconventional sustainable building insulation materials
Building insulation is commonly realized using materials obtained from petrochemicals
(mainly polystyrene) or from natural sources processed with high energy consumptions …
(mainly polystyrene) or from natural sources processed with high energy consumptions …
Multi-objective optimization of building retrofit in the Mediterranean climate by means of genetic algorithm application
Nowadays, as the role of energy retrofit on the existing building stock is recognized towards
energy savings and emissions' reductions, the actions to be undertaken towards this aim …
energy savings and emissions' reductions, the actions to be undertaken towards this aim …
Reliability modeling and evaluation of urban multi-energy systems: A review of the state of the art and future challenges
J He, Z Yuan, X Yang, W Huang, Y Tu, Y Li - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Urban multi-energy systems (UMESs) are integrated energy systems (IESs) which can
alleviate the current energy crisis, improve energy utilization and realize multi-energy …
alleviate the current energy crisis, improve energy utilization and realize multi-energy …
Modeling and optimal operation of community integrated energy systems: A case study from China
The operation of community integrated energy systems (CIESs) is challenging because it is
necessary to couple energy production, conversion and consumption on the end-user side …
necessary to couple energy production, conversion and consumption on the end-user side …
Reliability and vulnerability assessment of multi-energy systems: An energy hub based method
Multi-energy systems (MESs) make it possible to satisfy consumer's energy demand using
multiple coupled energy infrastructures, thus increasing the reliability of the energy supply …
multiple coupled energy infrastructures, thus increasing the reliability of the energy supply …
Effects of local conditions on the multi-variable and multi-objective energy optimization of residential buildings using genetic algorithms
The energy requalification of existing buildings entails the fulfillment of different, often
conflicting, criteria, such as the reduction of the specific annual energy demand, the …
conflicting, criteria, such as the reduction of the specific annual energy demand, the …
Design the refurbishment of historic buildings with the cost-optimal methodology: The case study of a XV century Italian building
In order to deliver the European energy and climate objectives to 2050, significant changes
are essential in the building sector, especially regarding the existing stock. Indeed, there is a …
are essential in the building sector, especially regarding the existing stock. Indeed, there is a …
Optimal integrated sizing and planning of hubs with midsize/large CHP units considering reliability of supply
Use of multi-carrier energy systems and the energy hub concept has recently been a
widespread trend worldwide. However, most of the related researches specialize in CHP …
widespread trend worldwide. However, most of the related researches specialize in CHP …
Modeling the reliability of multi-carrier energy systems considering dynamic behavior of thermal loads
Technological advances in the field of energy conversion have led to the development of
multi-carrier energy systems (MCESs). The ability of MCESs to manage different forms of …
multi-carrier energy systems (MCESs). The ability of MCESs to manage different forms of …
Heading towards the nZEB through CHP+ HP systems. A comparison between retrofit solutions able to increase the energy performance for the heating and domestic …
F Salata, I Golasi, U Domestico, M Banditelli… - Energy conversion and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Optimizing consumptions in the field of civil construction led to define energy labels for
residential buildings. To calculate the building energy demand the EPgl was determined, ie …
residential buildings. To calculate the building energy demand the EPgl was determined, ie …