Secure End-to-End Voice Communication: A Comprehensive Review of Steganography, Modem-Based Cryptography, and Chaotic Cryptography Techniques
Secure end-to-end voice communication is crucial, but it has several issues. Researchers in
this field can benefit from a review paper with broader evaluation parameters than existing …
this field can benefit from a review paper with broader evaluation parameters than existing …
[ספר][B] Information security for automatic speaker identification
FEA El-Samie, FEA El-Samie - 2011 - Springer
Speaker identification is a widely used technique in several security systems. In remote
access systems, speaker utterances are recoded and communicated through a …
access systems, speaker utterances are recoded and communicated through a …
Data shredding for speech recognition acoustic model training under data retention restrictions
8,229,742 B2 7/2012 Zimmerman et al. 8.401, 859 B2 3/2013 Dhawan et al. 8.423, 476 B2
4/2013 Bishop et al. 8.433, 658 B2 4/2013 Bishop et al. 8,473,451 B1* 6/2013 Hakkani-Tur …
4/2013 Bishop et al. 8.433, 658 B2 4/2013 Bishop et al. 8,473,451 B1* 6/2013 Hakkani-Tur …
Misconstrued voice on SC-FDMA for secured comprehension-a cooperative influence of DWT and ECC
Audio encryption needs critical attention due to an insecure channel in the wireless medium.
This paper presents the first-of-its-kind work addressing a Discrete Wavelet Transform …
This paper presents the first-of-its-kind work addressing a Discrete Wavelet Transform …
A novel audio cryptosystem using chaotic maps and DNA encoding
Chaotic maps have good potential in security applications due to their inherent
characteristics relevant to cryptography. This paper introduces a new audio cryptosystem …
characteristics relevant to cryptography. This paper introduces a new audio cryptosystem …
Time domain speech scrambler based on particle swarm optimization
Speech scrambler is used to transform clear speech into an unintelligible signal to prevent
eavesdrop**. The speech scrambling algorithm involves the permutation of speech …
eavesdrop**. The speech scrambling algorithm involves the permutation of speech …
Multimedia security: a survey of chaos-based encryption technology
In the recent years, with the development of network and multimedia technology, multimedia
data, especially image, audio and video data, is used more and more widely in human …
data, especially image, audio and video data, is used more and more widely in human …
Securing speech recognition data
BACKGROUND Client/server speech recognition systems where a client computer sends
speech data to one or more serverside speech recognition servers for recognition and …
speech data to one or more serverside speech recognition servers for recognition and …
Protection of private information in a client/server automatic speech recognition system
(57) ABSTRACT A mobile device is adapted for protecting private information on the mobile
device in a hybrid automatic speech recognition arrangement. The mobile device includes a …
device in a hybrid automatic speech recognition arrangement. The mobile device includes a …
Audio encryption–a chaos-based data byte scrambling technique
This study proposes an efficient audio byte scrambling technique using multiple chaotic
maps. The audio encryption scheme uses Henon map and chaotic economic map for …
maps. The audio encryption scheme uses Henon map and chaotic economic map for …