Household debt: Facts, puzzles, theories, and policies
J Zinman - Annual review of Economics, 2015 - annualreviews.org
Borrowing decisions affect most households, with large stakes and implications for research
subfields as varied as macroeconomics and industrial organization. I review theoretical and …
subfields as varied as macroeconomics and industrial organization. I review theoretical and …
Household financial transaction data
The growth of the availability and use of detailed household financial transaction micro data
has dramatically expanded the ability of researchers to understand both household decision …
has dramatically expanded the ability of researchers to understand both household decision …
The rise of e-wallets and buy-now-pay-later: Payment competition, credit expansion, and consumer behavior
W Bian, LW Cong, Y Ji - 2023 - nber.org
The past decade has witnessed a phenomenal rise of digital wallets, and the COVID-19
pandemic further accelerated their adoption globally. Such e-wallets provide not only a …
pandemic further accelerated their adoption globally. Such e-wallets provide not only a …
Household finance
Household financial decisions are complex, interdependent, and heterogeneous, and
central to the functioning of the financial system. We present an overview of the rapidly …
central to the functioning of the financial system. We present an overview of the rapidly …
Behavioral household finance
This chapter provides an overview of household finance. The first part summarizes key facts
regarding household financial behavior, emphasizing empirical regularities that are …
regarding household financial behavior, emphasizing empirical regularities that are …
How do individuals repay their debt? The balance-matching heuristic
We study how individuals repay their debt using linked data on multiple credit cards.
Repayments are not allocated to the higher interest rate card, which would minimize the cost …
Repayments are not allocated to the higher interest rate card, which would minimize the cost …
Minimum payments and debt paydown in consumer credit cards
Using a data set covering one quarter of the US general-purpose credit card market, we
document that 29% of accounts regularly make payments at or near the minimum payment …
document that 29% of accounts regularly make payments at or near the minimum payment …
Borrowing high versus borrowing higher: price dispersion and shop** behavior in the US credit card market
We document substantial cross-individual dispersion in US credit card borrowing costs,
even after controlling for borrower risk and card characteristics. That remaining dispersion …
even after controlling for borrower risk and card characteristics. That remaining dispersion …
Mobile payments and interoperability: Insights from the academic literature
We connect various streams of academic literature to analyze how alternative competition
and regulatory policies may affect the development of digital financial services, and …
and regulatory policies may affect the development of digital financial services, and …
[PDF][PDF] Private information and price regulation in the us credit card market
S Nelson - Unpublished working paper, 2018 - contractwithamerica2.com
The 2009 CARD Act limited credit card lenders' ability to raise borrowers' interest rates on
the basis of information learned during lending relationships. This paper estimates the …
the basis of information learned during lending relationships. This paper estimates the …