Podcasting Taylor: Listening Strategies, Fandom, and the Sonic Environments of Taylor Swift Podcasting
K Galloway - Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2023 - online.ucpress.edu
Music podcasts use a variety of listening modes to draw non-musically trained listeners into
close readings of songwriting, production, and reception. Taylor Swift has attracted the …
close readings of songwriting, production, and reception. Taylor Swift has attracted the …
Building performance capital during hard lockdown: Insights from the ESNS 2021 virtual-only showcase festival
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic showcase festival Eurosonic Noorderslag 2021 took place
entirely online. One of its elements consisted of numerous prerecorded videos (each about …
entirely online. One of its elements consisted of numerous prerecorded videos (each about …
Any sound you can imagine? The Bedroom Producer, creativity and popular music education
P Thompson - Journal of Popular Music Education, 2023 - intellectdiscover.com
Since the publication of Paul Théberge's seminal book Any Sound You Can Imagine:
Making Music/Consuming Technology (1997), a series of multifaceted, interrelated and co …
Making Music/Consuming Technology (1997), a series of multifaceted, interrelated and co …
Billie Eilish and the Feminist Aesthetics of Depression: White Femininity, Generation Z, and Whisper Singing
JA Holmes - Journal of the American Musicological Society, 2023 - online.ucpress.edu
This article analyzes the representation of depression in Billie Eilish's music and reception
as reflective of its complex status in the West as a clinical diagnosis and lived experience …
as reflective of its complex status in the West as a clinical diagnosis and lived experience …
The infrastructure of engagement: Musical aesthetics and the rise of YouTube in India
A Desai-Stephens - Twentieth-Century Music, 2022 - cambridge.org
This article analyses the rise of YouTube in India between 2008 and 2018 by focusing on
two central themes: first, shifts in digital infrastructure that enabled the widespread …
two central themes: first, shifts in digital infrastructure that enabled the widespread …
[HTML][HTML] Vocal Production, Mimesis, and Social Media in Bedroom Pop
A Barna, C McLaughlin - Music Theory Online, 2024 - mtosmt.org
Bedroom pop, as a subgenre of indie pop, has recently grown rapidly in popularity. The
primary characteristics of bedroom pop encompass the self-or home-production of musical …
primary characteristics of bedroom pop encompass the self-or home-production of musical …
From analogue to algorithm: How private production reshaped metal aesthetics
M Lux, JP Herbst - Metal Music Studies, 2024 - intellectdiscover.com
This article examines the impact of private, digitally driven music production on metal music
culture. With the increased affordability, functionality and quality of computers and digital …
culture. With the increased affordability, functionality and quality of computers and digital …
Digitale samarbeidsmetoder i musikkproduksjon
J Birkedal - 2022 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Denne rapporten dokumenterer hvordan digitale samarbeidsmetoder påvirker de
kunstneriske prosessene knyttet til produksjon av musikk. Ved å sammenligne faktorer som …
kunstneriske prosessene knyttet til produksjon av musikk. Ved å sammenligne faktorer som …
Music as Labour
D Abfalter, R Reitsamer - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Abfalter, Dagmar, editor.| Reitsamer, Rosa, editor. Title: Music as labour:
inequalities and activism in the past and present/edited by Dagmar Abfalter and Rosa …
inequalities and activism in the past and present/edited by Dagmar Abfalter and Rosa …