[HTML][HTML] Innovations in genomics and big data analytics for personalized medicine and health care: a review
Big data in health care is a fast-growing field and a new paradigm that is transforming case-
based studies to large-scale, data-driven research. As big data is dependent on the …
based studies to large-scale, data-driven research. As big data is dependent on the …
Microbial production of advanced biofuels
Concerns over climate change have necessitated a rethinking of our transportation
infrastructure. One possible alternative to carbon-polluting fossil fuels is biofuels produced …
infrastructure. One possible alternative to carbon-polluting fossil fuels is biofuels produced …
Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of 7,302 human microorganisms for personalized medicine
The human microbiome influences the efficacy and safety of a wide variety of commonly
prescribed drugs. Designing precision medicine approaches that incorporate microbial …
prescribed drugs. Designing precision medicine approaches that incorporate microbial …
Natural products of pentacyclic triterpenoids: from discovery to heterologous biosynthesis
Y Li, J Wang, L Li, W Song, M Li, X Hua, Y Wang… - Natural product …, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Covering: up to 2022 Pentacyclic triterpenoids are important natural bioactive substances
that are widely present in plants and fungi. They have significant medicinal efficacy, play an …
that are widely present in plants and fungi. They have significant medicinal efficacy, play an …
Tools and strategies of systems metabolic engineering for the development of microbial cell factories for chemical production
Sustainable production of chemicals from renewable non-food biomass has become a
promising alternative to overcome environmental issues caused by our heavy dependence …
promising alternative to overcome environmental issues caused by our heavy dependence …
MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
To the Editor—Reconstructing metabolic reaction networks enables the development of
testable hypotheses of an organism's metabolism under different conditions 1. State-of-the …
testable hypotheses of an organism's metabolism under different conditions 1. State-of-the …
Metabolic interaction models recapitulate leaf microbiota ecology
Resource allocation affects the structure of microbiomes, including those associated with
living hosts. Understanding the degree to which this dependency determines interspecies …
living hosts. Understanding the degree to which this dependency determines interspecies …
Common principles and best practices for engineering microbiomes
Despite broad scientific interest in harnessing the power of Earth's microbiomes, knowledge
gaps hinder their efficient use for addressing urgent societal and environmental challenges …
gaps hinder their efficient use for addressing urgent societal and environmental challenges …
Current status and applications of genome-scale metabolic models
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) computationally describe gene-protein-reaction
associations for entire metabolic genes in an organism, and can be simulated to predict …
associations for entire metabolic genes in an organism, and can be simulated to predict …
Reconstruction, simulation and analysis of enzyme-constrained metabolic models using GECKO Toolbox 3.0
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) are computational representations that enable
mathematical exploration of metabolic behaviors within cellular and environmental …
mathematical exploration of metabolic behaviors within cellular and environmental …