Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes
Understanding distribution patterns and multitrophic interactions is critical for managing bat‐
and bird‐mediated ecosystem services such as the suppression of pest and non‐pest …
and bird‐mediated ecosystem services such as the suppression of pest and non‐pest …
Ecological quality as a coffee quality enhancer. A review
V Torrez, C Benavides-Frias, J Jacobi… - Agronomy for …, 2023 - Springer
As both coffee quality and sustainability become increasingly important, there is growing
interest in understanding how ecological quality affects coffee quality. Here we analyze, for …
interest in understanding how ecological quality affects coffee quality. Here we analyze, for …
Forest bolsters bird abundance, pest control and coffee yield
DS Karp, CD Mendenhall, RF Sandí… - Ecology …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Efforts to maximise crop yields are fuelling agricultural intensification, exacerbating the
biodiversity crisis. Low‐intensity agricultural practices, however, may not sacrifice yields if …
biodiversity crisis. Low‐intensity agricultural practices, however, may not sacrifice yields if …
The need to quantify ecosystem services provided by birds
What are birds worth—what is their actual dollar value to human society? To most of us in
the ornithological community, birds are invaluable. But in these times we need more specific …
the ornithological community, birds are invaluable. But in these times we need more specific …
Interacting pest control and pollination services in coffee systems
A Martínez-Salinas, A Chain-Guadarrama… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services (ES) support human well-being, but their values
are typically estimated individually. Although ES are part of complex socioecological …
are typically estimated individually. Although ES are part of complex socioecological …
Birds as predators in tropical agroforestry systems
Insectivorous birds reduce arthropod abundances and their damage to plants in some, but
not all, studies where predation by birds has been assessed. The variation in bird effects …
not all, studies where predation by birds has been assessed. The variation in bird effects …
Complex ecological interactions in the coffee agroecosystem
Coffee agroecosystems have become iconic in the study of how agriculture can contribute to
the conservation of biodiversity and how biodiversity can deliver ecosystem services to …
the conservation of biodiversity and how biodiversity can deliver ecosystem services to …
[CARTE][B] Coffee agroecology: a new approach to understanding agricultural biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainable development
I Perfecto, J Vandermeer - 2015 -
Based on principles of the conservation and optimization of biodiversity and of equity and
sustainability, this book focuses on the ecology of the coffee agroecosystem as a model for a …
sustainability, this book focuses on the ecology of the coffee agroecosystem as a model for a …
Ecological and economic services provided by birds on Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee farms
Coffee farms can support significant biodiversity, yet intensification of farming practices is
degrading agricultural habitats and compromising ecosystem services such as biological …
degrading agricultural habitats and compromising ecosystem services such as biological …
Birds help plants: a meta-analysis of top-down trophic cascades caused by avian predators
The tritrophic interactions between plants, herbivores and avian predators are complex and
prone to trophic cascades. We conducted a meta-analysis of original articles that have …
prone to trophic cascades. We conducted a meta-analysis of original articles that have …