Plant secondary metabolites produced in response to abiotic stresses has potential application in pharmaceutical product development
Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) are vital for human health and constitute the skeletal
framework of many pharmaceutical drugs. Indeed, more than 25% of the existing drugs …
framework of many pharmaceutical drugs. Indeed, more than 25% of the existing drugs …
Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: A threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity
Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations induce adverse effects in plants. We reviewed
how ozone affects (i) the composition and diversity of plant communities by affecting key …
how ozone affects (i) the composition and diversity of plant communities by affecting key …
Multiple stress factors and the emission of plant VOCs
Individual biotic and abiotic stresses, such as high temperature, high light and herbivore
attack, are well known to increase the emission of volatile organic compounds from plants …
attack, are well known to increase the emission of volatile organic compounds from plants …
Biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Earth system
Biogenic volatile organic compounds produced by plants are involved in plant growth,
development, reproduction and defence. They also function as communication media within …
development, reproduction and defence. They also function as communication media within …
The effects of climate change associated abiotic stresses on maize phytochemical defenses
Reliable large-scale maize production is an essential component of global food security;
however, sustained efforts are needed to ensure optimized resilience under diverse crop …
however, sustained efforts are needed to ensure optimized resilience under diverse crop …
Secondary metabolites responses of plants exposed to ozone: An update
Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant that causes oxidative stress in plants due
to the generation of excess reactive oxygen species (ROS). Phenylpropanoid metabolism is …
to the generation of excess reactive oxygen species (ROS). Phenylpropanoid metabolism is …
Chemical and molecular ecology of herbivore-induced plant volatiles: proximate factors and their ultimate functions
G Arimura, K Matsui, J Takabayashi - Plant and Cell Physiology, 2009 -
In response to herbivory, plants emit specific blends of herbivore-induced plant volatiles
(HIPVs). HIPVs mediate sizable arrays of interactions between plants and arthropods …
(HIPVs). HIPVs mediate sizable arrays of interactions between plants and arthropods …
Molecular basis of (E)-β-farnesene-mediated aphid location in the predator Eupeodes corollae
B Wang, W Dong, H Li, C D'Onofrio, P Bai, R Chen… - Current Biology, 2022 -
Summary (E)-β-farnesene (EBF) is an important chemical cue mediating interactions
between plants, aphids, and natural enemies. This chemical has two origins, being secreted …
between plants, aphids, and natural enemies. This chemical has two origins, being secreted …
Chemical complexity of volatiles from plants induced by multiple attack
The attack of a plant by herbivorous arthropods can result in considerable changes in the
plant's chemical phenotype. The emission of so-called herbivore-induced plant volatiles …
plant's chemical phenotype. The emission of so-called herbivore-induced plant volatiles …
[HTML][HTML] Sites of synthesis, biochemistry and functional role of plant volatiles
ME Maffei - South African Journal of Botany, 2010 - Elsevier
All plants are able to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the content and
composition of these molecules show both genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity …
composition of these molecules show both genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity …