Convection‐permitting modeling with regional climate models: Latest developments and next steps
Approximately 10 years ago, convection‐permitting regional climate models (CPRCMs)
emerged as a promising computationally affordable tool to produce fine resolution (1–4 km) …
emerged as a promising computationally affordable tool to produce fine resolution (1–4 km) …
Climate change and rainfall intensity–duration–frequency curves: Overview of science and guidelines for adaptation
One of the most important impacts of a future warmer climate is the projected increase in the
frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events. This increasing trend in extreme rainfall is …
frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events. This increasing trend in extreme rainfall is …
Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community
D Jacob, C Teichmann, S Sobolowski… - Regional environmental …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The European CORDEX (EURO-CORDEX) initiative is a large voluntary effort that
seeks to advance regional climate and Earth system science in Europe. As part of the World …
seeks to advance regional climate and Earth system science in Europe. As part of the World …
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation
Here we present the first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-
scale horizontal grid spacing over a decade long period. A total of 23 simulations run with a …
scale horizontal grid spacing over a decade long period. A total of 23 simulations run with a …
Challenges and outlook for convection-permitting climate modelling
Climate projections at very high resolution (kilometre-scale grid spacing) are becoming
affordable. These 'convection-permitting'models (CPMs), commonly used for weather …
affordable. These 'convection-permitting'models (CPMs), commonly used for weather …
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution part 2: historical and future simulations of precipitation
This paper presents the first multi-model ensemble of 10-year,“convection-permitting”
kilometer-scale regional climate model (RCM) scenario simulations downscaled from …
kilometer-scale regional climate model (RCM) scenario simulations downscaled from …
Kilometer-scale climate models: Prospects and challenges
Currently major efforts are underway toward refining the horizontal resolution (or grid
spacing) of climate models to about 1 km, using both global and regional climate models …
spacing) of climate models to about 1 km, using both global and regional climate models …
Map** Europe into local climate zones
Cities are major drivers of environmental change at all scales and are especially at risk from
the ensuing effects, which include poor air quality, flooding and heat waves. Typically, these …
the ensuing effects, which include poor air quality, flooding and heat waves. Typically, these …
Seasonality, intensity, and duration of rainfall extremes change in a warmer climate
Precipitation extremes are expected to intensify under climate change with consequent
impacts in flooding and ecosystem functioning. Here we use station data and high …
impacts in flooding and ecosystem functioning. Here we use station data and high …
[HTML][HTML] The first Met Office Unified Model–JULES regional atmosphere and land configuration, RAL1
M Bush, T Allen, C Bain, I Boutle… - Geoscientific Model …, 2020 - gmd.copernicus.org
In this paper we define the first Regional Atmosphere and Land (RAL) science configuration
for kilometre-scale modelling using the Unified Model (UM) as the basis for the atmosphere …
for kilometre-scale modelling using the Unified Model (UM) as the basis for the atmosphere …