[หนังสือ][B] Superlinear parabolic problems
P Quittner, P Souplet - 2019 - Springer
Pavol Quittner Philippe Souplet Blow-up, Global Existence and Steady States Second
Edition Page 1 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher Pavol Quittner Philippe …
Edition Page 1 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher Pavol Quittner Philippe …
Trend to equilibrium for reaction-diffusion systems arising from complex balanced chemical reaction networks
The quantitative convergence to equilibrium for reaction-diffusion systems arising from
complex balanced chemical reaction networks with mass action kinetics is studied using the …
complex balanced chemical reaction networks with mass action kinetics is studied using the …
[HTML][HTML] Global classical solutions to quadratic systems with mass control in arbitrary dimensions
The global existence of classical solutions to reaction-diffusion systems in arbitrary space
dimensions is studied. The nonlinearities are assumed to be quasi-positive, to have (slightly …
dimensions is studied. The nonlinearities are assumed to be quasi-positive, to have (slightly …
Global existence for reaction–diffusion systems with dissipation of mass and quadratic growth
P Souplet - Journal of Evolution Equations, 2018 - Springer
We consider the Neumann and Cauchy problems for positivity preserving reaction–diffusion
systems of m equations enjoying the mass and entropy dissipation properties. We show …
systems of m equations enjoying the mass and entropy dissipation properties. We show …
Weak–strong uniqueness of solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction–diffusion equations
J Fischer - Nonlinear Analysis, 2017 - Elsevier
We establish a weak–strong uniqueness principle for solutions to entropy-dissipating
reaction–diffusion equations: As long as a strong solution to the reaction–diffusion equation …
reaction–diffusion equations: As long as a strong solution to the reaction–diffusion equation …
Convergence to equilibrium of renormalised solutions to nonlinear chemical reaction–diffusion systems
The convergence to equilibrium for renormalised solutions to nonlinear reaction–diffusion
systems is studied. The considered reaction–diffusion systems arise from chemical reaction …
systems is studied. The considered reaction–diffusion systems arise from chemical reaction …
Uniform-in-time bounds for quadratic reaction-diffusion systems with mass dissipation in higher dimensions
Uniform-in-time bounds of nonnegative classical solutions to reaction-diffusion systems in all
space dimension are proved. The systems are assumed to dissipate the total mass and to …
space dimension are proved. The systems are assumed to dissipate the total mass and to …
[HTML][HTML] Well-posedness and exponential equilibration of a volume-surface reaction–diffusion system with nonlinear boundary coupling
We consider a model system consisting of two reaction–diffusion equations, where one
species diffuses in a volume while the other species diffuses on the surface which surrounds …
species diffuses in a volume while the other species diffuses on the surface which surrounds …
Indirect diffusion effect in degenerate reaction-diffusion systems
In this work we study global well-posedness and large time behavior for a typical reaction-
diffusion system, which include degenerate diffusion, and whose nonlinearities arise from …
diffusion system, which include degenerate diffusion, and whose nonlinearities arise from …
Convergence to self-similar profiles in reaction-diffusion systems
A Mielke, S Schindler - SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2024 - SIAM
We study a reaction-diffusion system on the real line, where the reactions of the species are
given by one reversible reaction pair satisfying the mass-action law. Under prescribed …
given by one reversible reaction pair satisfying the mass-action law. Under prescribed …