Novel electrode technologies for neural recordings

G Hong, CM Lieber - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2019 -
Neural recording electrode technologies have contributed considerably to neuroscience by
enabling the extracellular detection of low-frequency local field potential oscillations and …

Natural behavior is the language of the brain

CT Miller, D Gire, K Hoke, AC Huk, D Kelley… - Current Biology, 2022 -
The breadth and complexity of natural behaviors inspires awe. Understanding how our
perceptions, actions, and internal thoughts arise from evolved circuits in the brain has …

Cognitive computational neuroscience

N Kriegeskorte, PK Douglas - Nature neuroscience, 2018 -
To learn how cognition is implemented in the brain, we must build computational models
that can perform cognitive tasks, and test such models with brain and behavioral …

Neural manifolds for the control of movement

JA Gallego, MG Perich, LE Miller, SA Solla - Neuron, 2017 -
The analysis of neural dynamics in several brain cortices has consistently uncovered low-
dimensional manifolds that capture a significant fraction of neural variability. These neural …

Neuronal reward and decision signals: from theories to data

W Schultz - Physiological reviews, 2015 -
Rewards are crucial objects that induce learning, approach behavior, choices, and
emotions. Whereas emotions are difficult to investigate in animals, the learning function is …

[BOK][B] Neuronal dynamics: From single neurons to networks and models of cognition

W Gerstner, WM Kistler, R Naud, L Paninski - 2014 -
What happens in our brain when we make a decision? What triggers a neuron to send out a
signal? What is the neural code? This textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning …

Linking connectivity, dynamics, and computations in low-rank recurrent neural networks

F Mastrogiuseppe, S Ostojic - Neuron, 2018 -
Large-scale neural recordings have established that the transformation of sensory stimuli
into motor outputs relies on low-dimensional dynamics at the population level, while …

Thalamic control of sensory selection in divided attention

RD Wimmer, LI Schmitt, TJ Davidson, M Nakajima… - Nature, 2015 -
How the brain selects appropriate sensory inputs and suppresses distractors is unknown.
Given the well-established role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in executive function, its …

Expectation in perceptual decision making: neural and computational mechanisms

C Summerfield, FP De Lange - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2014 -
Sensory signals are highly structured in both space and time. These structural regularities in
visual information allow expectations to form about future stimulation, thereby facilitating …

Information-limiting correlations

R Moreno-Bote, J Beck, I Kanitscheider, X Pitkow… - Nature …, 2014 -
Computational strategies used by the brain strongly depend on the amount of information
that can be stored in population activity, which in turn strongly depends on the pattern of …