The physicist's companion to current fluctuations: one-dimensional bulk-driven lattice gases

A Lazarescu - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2015 -
One of the main features of statistical systems out of equilibrium is the currents they exhibit in
their stationary state: microscopic currents of probability between configurations, which …

Scaling limit of the colored ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models

A Aggarwal, I Corwin, M Hegde - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.01341, 2024 -
We consider the colored asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) and stochastic six
vertex (S6V) model with fully packed initial conditions; the states of these models can be …

Dynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in driven diffusive systems

Y Baek, Y Kafri, V Lecomte - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
We study the probability distribution of a current flowing through a diffusive system
connected to a pair of reservoirs at its two ends. Sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a …

Counting statistics of transport through Coulomb blockade nanostructures: High-order cumulants and non-Markovian effects

C Flindt, T Novotný, A Braggio, AP Jauho - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2010 - APS
Recent experimental progress has made it possible to detect in real-time single electrons
tunneling through Coulomb blockade nanostructures, thereby allowing for precise …

Exact current statistics of the asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries

M Gorissen, A Lazarescu, K Mallick, C Vanderzande - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
Nonequilibrium systems are often characterized by the transport of some quantity at a
macroscopic scale, such as, for instance, a current of particles through a wire. The …

Fluctuations of current in nonstationary diffusive lattice gases

PL Krapivsky, B Meerson - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
We employ the macroscopic fluctuation theory to study fluctuations of integrated current in
one-dimensional lattice gases with a steplike initial density profile. We analytically determine …

Colored interacting particle systems on the ring: Stationary measures from yang-baxter equation

A Aggarwal, M Nicoletti, L Petrov - arxiv preprint arxiv:2309.11865, 2023 -
Recently, there has been much progress in understanding stationary measures for colored
(also called multi-species or multi-type) interacting particle systems, motivated by asymptotic …

Matrix product formula for Macdonald polynomials

L Cantini, J de Gier, M Wheeler - Journal of Physics A …, 2015 -
We derive a matrix product formula for symmetric Macdonald polynomials. Our results are
obtained by constructing polynomial solutions of deformed Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov …

Integrable approach to simple exclusion processes with boundaries. Review and progress

N Crampé, E Ragoucy, M Vanicat - Journal of Statistical …, 2014 -
We study the matrix ansatz in the quantum group framework, applying integrable systems
techniques to statistical physics models. We start by reviewing the two approaches, and then …

From multiline queues to Macdonald polynomials via the exclusion process

S Corteel, O Mandelshtam, L Williams - American Journal of …, 2022 -
Recently James Martin introduced {\it multiline queues}, and used them to give a
combinatorial formula for the stationary distribution of the multispecies asymmetric simple …