[HTML][HTML] Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient

Z Ding, J Liang, L Yang, C Wei, H Hu, X Si - Avian Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Beta diversity, the variation of community composition among sites, bridges alpha and
gamma diversity and can reveal the mechanisms of community assembly through applying …

Historical legacies and contemporary processes shape beta diversity in Neotropical montane streams

JD González‐Trujillo, VS Saito, DK Petsch… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Contemporary dispersal constraints and environmental conditions are broadly
recognized as significant drivers of beta diversity patterns. However, beta diversity patterns …

Using DNA metabarcoding to characterize national scale diatom-environment relationships and to develop indicators in streams and rivers of the United States

NJ Smucker, EM Pilgrim, CT Nietch… - Science of The Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Recent advancements in DNA techniques, metabarcoding, and bioinformatics could help
expand the use of benthic diatoms in monitoring and assessment programs by providing …

Taxonomic dependency of beta diversity for bacteria, archaea, and fungi in a semi-arid lake

H Yuan, W Zhang, H Yin, R Zhang, J Wang - Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Microbial beta diversity has been recently studied along the water depth in aquatic
ecosystems, however its turnover and nestedness components remain elusive especially for …

River connectivity and climate behind the long‐term evolution of tropical American floodplain lakes

L Lopera‐Congote, J Salgado… - Ecology and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This study presents the long‐term evolution of two floodplains lakes (San Juana and
Barbacoas) of the Magdalena River in Colombia with varying degree of connectivity to the …

[HTML][HTML] Limnological characteristics and diatom dominants in lakes of Northeastern Poland

M Eliasz-Kowalska, AZ Wojtal - Diversity, 2020 - mdpi.com
Determination of the relationships between environmental factors and diatom assemblages
is usually made for several hundred lakes spread over a large area. However, the analysis …

Diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates along altitudinal gradients in Colombia

CE Tamaris-Turizo, GA Pinilla-A… - … Gradients and Their …, 2023 - Springer
Some case studies that evidence changes in the composition of aquatic macroinvertebrates
along the altitudinal gradients of Colombian rivers are analyzed. Most of the works on …

Deterministic and Stochastic Effects on Freshwater Diatom Biodiversity and Community Composition

X Benito, SI Passy, A Vilmi, A Jamoneau… - … : From Molecules to …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Recent research on diatom metacommunities has focused on disentangling the assembly
mechanisms driving species and functional composition and biodiversity across space and …

Guilds for Diatoms: History and Future Prospects

C Stenger‐Kovács, VB‐Béres - Diatom Ecology: From …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The term “guild” as a fundamental unit of communities had already been used in terrestrial
research from the 1900s, but its definition was first provided in 1967. In diatom studies …

Drivers of the diversity of diatoms in an oligotrophic Andean stream

JC Donato-R, HA Mendivelso… - International …, 2022 - limnology-journal.org
An in situ experiment determined that the addition of ammonia N-NH 4+, nitrate N-NO 3–and
phosphate P-PO 4 3–to an oligotrophic Andean stream significantly affected diatom …