Training therapists in evidence‐based practice: A critical review of studies from a systems‐contextual perspective
RS Beidas, PC Kendall - Clinical Psychology: Science and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
[Clin Psychol Sci Prac 17: 1–30, 2010] Evidence‐based practice (EBP), a preferred
psychological treatment approach, requires training of community providers. The systems …
psychological treatment approach, requires training of community providers. The systems …
The dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychological treatments: A review of current efforts.
RK McHugh, DH Barlow - American psychologist, 2010 - psycnet.apa.org
Recognizing an urgent need for increased access to evidenced-based psychological
treatments, public health authorities have recently allocated over $2 billion to better …
treatments, public health authorities have recently allocated over $2 billion to better …
The role of therapist training in the implementation of psychosocial treatments: A review and critique with recommendations
AD Herschell, DJ Kolko, BL Baumann… - Clinical psychology review, 2010 - Elsevier
Evidence-based treatments (EBT) are underutilized in community settings, where
consumers are often seen for treatment. Underutilization of EBTs may be related to a lack of …
consumers are often seen for treatment. Underutilization of EBTs may be related to a lack of …
Sustaining motivational interviewing: A meta‐analysis of training studies
CS Schwalbe, HY Oh, A Zweben - Addiction, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background and Aims Previous research indicates that motivational interviewing
(MI) skills decline over time among participants in training workshops when post‐workshop …
(MI) skills decline over time among participants in training workshops when post‐workshop …
Assessing competence in the use of motivational interviewing
This report presents reliability, validity and sensitivity indices for the Motivational
Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) scale. Factor analysis of MI treatment sessions coded …
Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) scale. Factor analysis of MI treatment sessions coded …
Training in motivational interviewing: A systematic review
MB Madson, AC Loignon, C Lane - Journal of substance abuse treatment, 2009 - Elsevier
Motivational interviewing (MI), an evidence-based counseling approach, has received much
recognition from a wide variety of health care professionals. Because of the rising interest in …
recognition from a wide variety of health care professionals. Because of the rising interest in …
Motivational interviewing to improve treatment engagement and outcome in individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse: A multisite effectiveness study
KM Carroll, SA Ball, C Nich, S Martino… - Drug and alcohol …, 2006 - Elsevier
Despite recent emphasis on integrating empirically validated treatment into clinical practice,
there are little data on whether manual-guided behavioral therapies can be implemented in …
there are little data on whether manual-guided behavioral therapies can be implemented in …
Why tough tactics fail and rapport gets results: Observing Rapport-Based Interpersonal Techniques (ORBIT) to generate useful information from terrorists.
This field observation examines 58 police interrogators' rapport-based behaviors with
terrorist suspects; specifically, whether rapport helps elicit meaningful intelligence and …
terrorist suspects; specifically, whether rapport helps elicit meaningful intelligence and …
How does motivational interviewing work? Therapist interpersonal skill predicts client involvement within motivational interviewing sessions.
TB Moyers, WR Miller… - Journal of consulting and …, 2005 - psycnet.apa.org
Although many studies have shown that motivational interviewing (MI) is effective in
reducing problem behaviors, few have investigated purported causal mechanisms …
reducing problem behaviors, few have investigated purported causal mechanisms …
Develo** the mental health workforce: Review and application of training approaches from multiple disciplines
AR Lyon, SW Stirman, SEU Kerns, EJ Bruns - Administration and Policy in …, 2011 - Springer
Strategies specifically designed to facilitate the training of mental health practitioners in
evidence-based practices (EBPs) have lagged behind the development of the interventions …
evidence-based practices (EBPs) have lagged behind the development of the interventions …