Remote sensing technologies for enhancing forest inventories: A review
Forest inventory and management requirements are changing rapidly in the context of an
increasingly complex set of economic, environmental, and social policy objectives …
increasingly complex set of economic, environmental, and social policy objectives …
[HTML][HTML] Lidar sampling for large-area forest characterization: A review
The ability to use digital remotely sensed data for forest inventory is often limited by the
nature of the measures, which, with the exception of multi-angular or stereo observations …
nature of the measures, which, with the exception of multi-angular or stereo observations …
Lidar boosts 3D ecological observations and modelings: A review and perspective
The advent of lidar has revolutionized the way we observe and measure vegetation structure
from the ground and from above and represents a major advance toward the quantification …
from the ground and from above and represents a major advance toward the quantification …
Quantifying aboveground forest carbon pools and fluxes from repeat LiDAR surveys
Sound forest policy and management decisions to mitigate rising atmospheric CO2 depend
upon accurate methodologies to quantify forest carbon pools and fluxes over large tracts of …
upon accurate methodologies to quantify forest carbon pools and fluxes over large tracts of …
[HTML][HTML] How can UAV contribute in satellite-based Phragmites australis aboveground biomass estimating?
L Lu, J Luo, Y ** of aboveground shrub biomass in Arctic tundra using airborne lidar and imagery
Accurate monitoring of climate-driven expansion of low-stature shrubs in Arctic tundra
requires high-resolution maps of shrub biomass that can accurately quantify the current …
requires high-resolution maps of shrub biomass that can accurately quantify the current …