Software vulnerability analysis and discovery using machine-learning and data-mining techniques: A survey
Software security vulnerabilities are one of the critical issues in the realm of computer
security. Due to their potential high severity impacts, many different approaches have been …
security. Due to their potential high severity impacts, many different approaches have been …
Model learning
F Vaandrager - Communications of the ACM, 2017 -
Model learning Page 1 86 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | FEBRUARY 2017 | VOL. 60 |
NO. 2 review articles DOI:10.1145/2967606 Model learning emerges as an effective method …
NO. 2 review articles DOI:10.1145/2967606 Model learning emerges as an effective method …
Soteria: Automated {IoT} safety and security analysis
Broadly defined as the Internet of Things (IoT), the growth of commodity devices that
integrate physical processes with digital systems have changed the way we live, play and …
integrate physical processes with digital systems have changed the way we live, play and …
A survey on IoT-enabled home automation systems: Attacks and defenses
With recent advances in communication technologies and Internet of Things (IoT)
infrastructures, home automation (HA) systems have emerged as a new promising paradigm …
infrastructures, home automation (HA) systems have emerged as a new promising paradigm …
Charting the attack surface of trigger-action IoT platforms
Internet of Things (IoT) deployments are becoming increasingly automated and vastly more
complex. Facilitated by programming abstractions such as trigger-action rules, end-users …
complex. Facilitated by programming abstractions such as trigger-action rules, end-users …
Automatic exploit generation
Automatic exploit generation Page 1 contributed articles 74 CoMMuniCations of the aCM |
feBRuARy 2014 | voL. 57 | No. 2 aTTacKers commonLy eXpLoIT buggy programs to break into …
feBRuARy 2014 | voL. 57 | No. 2 aTTacKers commonLy eXpLoIT buggy programs to break into …
Cloudvisor: retrofitting protection of virtual machines in multi-tenant cloud with nested virtualization
Multi-tenant cloud, which usually leases resources in the form of virtual machines, has been
commercially available for years. Unfortunately, with the adoption of commodity virtualized …
commercially available for years. Unfortunately, with the adoption of commodity virtualized …
IotSan: Fortifying the safety of IoT systems
Today's IoT systems include event-driven smart applications (apps) that interact with sensors
and actuators. A problem specific to IoT systems is that buggy apps, unforeseen bad app …
and actuators. A problem specific to IoT systems is that buggy apps, unforeseen bad app …
Program analysis of commodity IoT applications for security and privacy: Challenges and opportunities
Recent advances in Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled myriad domains such as smart
homes, personal monitoring devices, and enhanced manufacturing. IoT is now pervasive …
homes, personal monitoring devices, and enhanced manufacturing. IoT is now pervasive …
SMT-based bounded model checking for embedded ANSI-C software
Propositional bounded model checking has been applied successfully to verify embedded
software, but remains limited by increasing propositional formula sizes and the loss of high …
software, but remains limited by increasing propositional formula sizes and the loss of high …