Learning strategies for reading and writing the quran: improving student competence as preservice teachers at the faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training
Students must realize competence according to the chosen majors and study programs. The
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, one of the students' choices for continuing …
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, one of the students' choices for continuing …
The efforts to improve students' Arabic speaking skills through language environment activation: A study of phenomenology
Maharah al-kalam or Arabic speaking skills have an essential role for students, especially
students who take Arabic courses. Ironically, maharah al-kalam's urgency is not always …
students who take Arabic courses. Ironically, maharah al-kalam's urgency is not always …
Problematika Pelaksanaan Tahfidz Al-Qur'an dengan Metode Musyafahah di SMP IT Ad Durrah
A Firmansyah - Journal of Education Research, 2023 - jer.or.id
Al-Qur'an merupakan kitab suci yang diturunkan Allah SWT kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW
sebagai pedoman dan pelengkap kitab suci sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini, agar siswa …
sebagai pedoman dan pelengkap kitab suci sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini, agar siswa …
Dampak pembelajaran bahasa arab terhadap penghafal al-qur'an
Al-Qur'an adalah kalam yang Allah turunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan
perantara malaikat jibril sebagai pegangan hidup kepada seluruh manusia terutama orang …
perantara malaikat jibril sebagai pegangan hidup kepada seluruh manusia terutama orang …
Pengaruh menghafal al-qur'an dengan metode one day one ayat terhadap kecerdasan intelektual pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah …
Metode ODOA (One Day One Ayat) merupakan program menghafal Al-Qur'an dengan target
hafalan satu hari satu ayat. Metode ODOA merupakan terobosan untuk membiasakan …
hafalan satu hari satu ayat. Metode ODOA merupakan terobosan untuk membiasakan …
The Correlation of Al-Qur'an Memorization and Arabic Learning Achievement
Abstract Memorizing Al-Qur'an is an attempt to stick in the memory and heart of the verses
that have been memorized. So that, in an effort to memorize requires high concentration can …
that have been memorized. So that, in an effort to memorize requires high concentration can …
Predicting Students' Academic Achievement on the Patterns of Tahfidz al-Qur'an Programs in Public Universities
The present study reports student activities of tahfidz al-Qur'an at a public university in East
Java, Indonesia, explores obstacles in enacting tahfidz programs, and examines the …
Java, Indonesia, explores obstacles in enacting tahfidz programs, and examines the …
Acquisition of Arabic as A Second Language in Early Children in Islamic Kindergarten
It is believed that memorizing the Qur'an would be able to improve the acquisition of a
second language, especially Arabic language, particularly for early childhood. This is …
second language, especially Arabic language, particularly for early childhood. This is …
The Relevance Between Ability to Memorizing al-Qur'an and the Qira'ah Skills of Students at the Tahfidz Insan Mulia Punggur Islamic Boarding School| Keterkaitan …
The researcher conducted this study aiming to describe the relationship between the ability
to memorize the Qur'an and the qira'ah skills of students at the Tahfidz Insan Mulia Punggur …
to memorize the Qur'an and the qira'ah skills of students at the Tahfidz Insan Mulia Punggur …