Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health
GJ Andrews, C Duff - Social Science & Medicine, 2019 - Elsevier
In recent years much health research across the social sciences and humanities has
undergone a noticeable, albeit by no means cohesive or comprehensive,'turn'towards a …
undergone a noticeable, albeit by no means cohesive or comprehensive,'turn'towards a …
[HTML][HTML] A systematised review of the health impact of urban informal settlements and implications for upgrading interventions in South Africa, a rapidly urbanising …
Informal settlements are becoming more entrenched within African cities as the urban
population continues to grow. Characterised by poor housing conditions and inadequate …
population continues to grow. Characterised by poor housing conditions and inadequate …
[Књига][B] Spatializing culture: The ethnography of space and place
S Low - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding
space and place, and considers how ethnographically-based spatial analyses can yield …
space and place, and considers how ethnographically-based spatial analyses can yield …
[HTML][HTML] A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary
This paper offers an integrated conceptual framework for the research and amelioration of
energy deprivation in the home. It starts from the premise that all forms of energy and fuel …
energy deprivation in the home. It starts from the premise that all forms of energy and fuel …
[Књига][B] Life takes place: Phenomenology, lifeworlds, and place making
D Seamon - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Life Takes Place argues that, even in our mobile, hypermodern world, human life is
impossible without place. Seamon asks the question: why does life take place? He draws on …
impossible without place. Seamon asks the question: why does life take place? He draws on …
Assemblage thinking and actor‐network theory: conjunctions, disjunctions, cross‐fertilisations
M Müller, C Schurr - Transactions of the Institute of British …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This paper shows that assemblage thinking and actor‐network theory (ANT) have much
more to gain from each other than debate has so far conceded. Exploring the conjunctions …
more to gain from each other than debate has so far conceded. Exploring the conjunctions …
Lively infrastructure
A Amin - Theory, Culture & Society, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper examines the social life and sociality of urban infrastructure. Drawing on a case
study of land occupations and informal settlements in the city of Belo Horizonte in Brazil …
study of land occupations and informal settlements in the city of Belo Horizonte in Brazil …
[Књига][B] Inside smart cities
Title: Inside smart cities: place, politics and urban innovation/edited by Andrew Karvonen,
Federico Cugurullo and Federico Caprotti. Description: 1 Edition.| New York: Routledge …
Federico Cugurullo and Federico Caprotti. Description: 1 Edition.| New York: Routledge …
The smart city and its publics: insights from across six UK cities
In response to policy-makers' increasing claims to prioritise 'people'in smart city
development, we explore the publicness of emerging practices across six UK cities: Bristol …
development, we explore the publicness of emerging practices across six UK cities: Bristol …
Theses on urbanization
N Brenner - Public culture, 2013 - read.dukeupress.edu
The urban has become a keyword of early twenty-first-century economic, political, and
cultural discourse. But as its resonance has intensified in social science and in the public …
cultural discourse. But as its resonance has intensified in social science and in the public …