Towards a unifying pan-arctic perspective: A conceptual modelling toolkit

P Wassmann, EC Carmack, BA Bluhm… - Progress in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Arctic Ocean is overwhelmingly forced by its lateral boundaries, and interacts
with, the global system. For the development of nested conceptual models of the Arctic …

Pelagic ecosystem characteristics across the Atlantic water boundary current from Rijpfjorden, Svalbard, to the Arctic Ocean during summer (2010–2014)

H Hop, P Assmy, A Wold, A Sundfjord… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 -
The northern coast of Svalbard contains high-arctic fjords, such as Rijpfjorden (80° N 22°
30′ E). This area has experienced higher sea and air temperatures and less sea ice in …

Eat or Sleep: Availability of Winter Prey Explains Mid-Winter and Spring Activity in an Arctic Calanus Population

L Hobbs, NS Banas, FR Cottier, J Berge… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2020 -
Copepods of the genus Calanus have adapted to high levels of seasonality in prey
availability by entering a period of hibernation during winter known as diapause, but …

Zooplankton in the polar night

J Berge, M Daase, L Hobbs, S Falk-Petersen… - … Life and light in the dead …, 2020 - Springer
Pelagic communities play a key role in Arctic ecosystems. Although zooplankton occupy
several different trophic levels in the food chain, their primary niche is often considered that …

Contrasting Life Traits of Sympatric Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus in a Warming Arctic Revealed by a Year-Round Study in Isfjorden, Svalbard

M Hatlebakk, K Kosobokova, M Daase… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 -
The calanoid copepod Calanus glacialis dominates the mesozooplankton biomass in the
Arctic shelf seas, but its smaller North Atlantic sibling Calanus finmarchicus is expanding …

Seasonal variability in non-consumptive mortality of Arctic zooplankton

M Daase, JE Søreide - Journal of Plankton Research, 2021 -
Recent observations from high-latitude marine ecosystems indicate that non-consumptive
mortality may be particularly high in Arctic zooplankton during the polar night. Here we have …

High abundances of small copepods early developmental stages and nauplii strengthen the perception of a non-dormant Arctic winter

C Barth-Jensen, M Daase, MR Ormańczyk, Ø Varpe… - Polar Biology, 2022 - Springer
The traditional view is that the Arctic polar night is a quiescent period for marine life, but
recent reports of high levels of feeding and reproduction in both pelagic and benthic taxa …

Winter carnivory and diapause counteract the reliance on ice algae by Barents Sea zooplankton

D Kohlbach, K Schmidt, H Hop, A Wold… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2021 -
The Barents Sea is a hotspot for environmental change due to its rapid warming, and
information on dietary preferences of zooplankton is crucial to better understand the impacts …

Spatial occurrence and abundance of marine zooplankton in Northeast Greenland

T Beroujon, JS Christiansen, F Norrbin - Marine Biodiversity, 2022 - Springer
We present a large-scale survey of mesozooplankton (size range 0.2–20 mm) across
coastal, shelf, and slope locations in Northeast Greenland (latitudes 74–79° N, August 2015 …

Seasonal Enzyme Activities of Sympatric Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus in the High-Arctic

M Hatlebakk, B Niehoff, M Choquet, H Hop… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 -
In the Arctic shelf seas, the mesozooplankton biomass is dominated by the arctic copepod
Calanus glacialis, but its boreal congeneric C. finmarchicus is expanding northwards. Even …