Fully automatic face normalization and single sample face recognition in unconstrained environments

M Haghighat, M Abdel-Mottaleb, W Alhalabi - Expert Systems with …, 2016 - Elsevier
Single sample face recognition have become an important problem because of the
limitations on the availability of gallery images. In many real-world applications such as …

Using facial animation to increase the enfacement illusion and avatar self-identification

M Gonzalez-Franco, A Steed… - IEEE transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Through avatar embodiment in Virtual Reality (VR) we can achieve the illusion that an
avatar is substituting our body: the avatar moves as we move and we see it from a first …

New perspectives on the neurophysiology of primate amygdala emerging from the study of naturalistic social behaviors

KM Gothard, CP Mosher… - Wiley …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
A major challenge of primate neurophysiology, particularly in the domain of social
neuroscience, is to adopt more natural behaviors without compromising the ability to relate …

[HTML][HTML] Patterns of eye blinks are modulated by auditory input in humans

SE Huber, M Martini, P Sachse - Cognition, 2022 - Elsevier
Previous studies could elaborate a link between attentional processes and eye blinking in
both visual and auditory attention tasks. Here we show that this link is active at a …

[HTML][HTML] Task-synchronized eye blink modulation neither requires visual stimulation nor active motor response and is modulated by task predictability

SE Huber, M Martini, P Sachse - International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2023 - Elsevier
It has been repeatedly shown that temporal task features are reflected in eye blink dynamics
during attention tasks. Eye blinks occur with increased likeliness particularly when demands …

Ecological Validity and the Evaluation of Avatar Facial Animation Noise

M Wilczkowiak, K Jakubzak, J Clemoes… - … IEEE Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Facial animation noise levels affect the acceptance of avatars in communication systems.
However, there is no standard for evaluation, especially with regard to ecological validity …

Spatial and temporal linearities in posed and spontaneous smiles

LC Trutoiu, EJ Carter, N Pollard, JF Cohn… - ACM Transactions on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Creating facial animations that convey an animator's intent is a difficult task because
animation techniques are necessarily an approximation of the subtle motion of the face …

[CARTE][B] Biometrics for cybersecurity and unconstrained environments

M Haghighat - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Biometric identification has been a challenging topic in computer vision. In this thesis, we
study four main challenges in biometrics: 1) secure and privacy-preserving biometric …

Detecting Social Signals with Spatiotemporal Gabor Filters

B Joosten - 2018 - research.tilburguniversity.edu
Wanneer mensen met elkaar communiceren bestaat de boodschap vaak uit meer dan
alleen de gesproken woorden. Door middel van bijvoorbeeld gezichtsuitdrukkingen …

Investigating the temporal association between eye actions and smiles

M Rupenga, HB Vadapalli - … of South Africa and Robotics and …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the significant use of facial expressions in conveying information in human to human
interaction, it has become quite imperative to be able to evaluate expressions especially for …