Dry fish and its contribution towards food and nutritional security
The match between dry fish supply and nutrient needs is vital to support the health and well-
being of the increasing human population. The depleting fisheries resources also suggest a …
being of the increasing human population. The depleting fisheries resources also suggest a …
[HTML][HTML] Nutritional value of dry fish in Bangladesh and its potential contribution to addressing malnutrition: a narrative review
Understanding the linkage between the nutrient composition of foods and individuals'
recommended nutrient intake is important to address malnutrition. Despite it being a …
recommended nutrient intake is important to address malnutrition. Despite it being a …
[PDF][PDF] Quality and shelf life status of salted and sun dried fishes of Tuticorin fishing villages in different seasons
K Immaculate, P Sinduja, A Velammal… - … Food Research Journal, 2013 - Citeseer
The nutritional quality and shelf life of salted and sun dried fishes of Tuticorin coastal
villages were assessed seasonally. The quality parameters varied with seasons and it was …
villages were assessed seasonally. The quality parameters varied with seasons and it was …
A review on dried fish processing and marketing in the coastal region of Bangladesh
Sun drying of fish is an important method of fish preservation throughout the world. Due to its
availability and product specific flavor and texture, dried fish has become an important part …
availability and product specific flavor and texture, dried fish has become an important part …
Characterization of the traditional fermented fish product Shidol of Northeast India prepared from Puntius sophore and Setipinna phasa
BK Kakati, UC Goswami - 2013 - nopr.niscpr.res.in
Shidol is a traditional fermented fish product popular in the North eastern part of India,
because of its typical flavor and aroma. The proximate composition, biochemical …
because of its typical flavor and aroma. The proximate composition, biochemical …
[PDF][PDF] Quality assessment of traditionally dried marine fish of Bangladesh
ABSTRACT A study was conducted to assess organoleptic, biochemical and microbiological
quality aspects of traditionally dried marine fish products of one of the largest fish drying …
quality aspects of traditionally dried marine fish products of one of the largest fish drying …
Drying and salting fish using different methods and their effect on the sensory, chemical and microbial indices
The objective of this review is to check modern and common methods used in drying and
salting fish as well as their effect on sensory, chemical and microbial indicators. Different …
salting fish as well as their effect on sensory, chemical and microbial indicators. Different …
[PDF][PDF] An investigation on microbial screening on salt dried marine fishes
A ESTRA (" T Quality assurance of processed seafood is of utmost concern that has greater
implications in health point of view. The conventional method employed in salt drying of …
implications in health point of view. The conventional method employed in salt drying of …
Organochlorine Pesticide Residues and Microbiological Quality Assessment of Dried Barb, Puntius sophore, from the Northeastern Part of Bangladesh
The present study was carried out in the northeastern part of Bangladesh to investigate
organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in and microbiological quality of dried barb …
organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in and microbiological quality of dried barb …
[PDF][PDF] Microbiological properties of dry salted Hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) fish of Bangladesh
Dry fish (shutki in Bengali) is one of the popular food items in Bangladesh. It is the staple
source of protein in many areas of our country like Chittagong, Dhaka, Chandpur, Narsingdi …
source of protein in many areas of our country like Chittagong, Dhaka, Chandpur, Narsingdi …