Diagenetic uptake of rare earth elements by bioapatite, with an example from Lower Triassic conodonts of South China
The distribution patterns of rare earth elements (REEs) are frequently used as proxies for
ancient seawater chemistry or paleomarine environmental conditions. However, recent work …
ancient seawater chemistry or paleomarine environmental conditions. However, recent work …
Geochemistry of limestones deposited in various plate tectonic settings
KJ Zhang, QH Li, LL Yan, L Zeng, L Lu, YX Zhang… - Earth-Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Limestone, a major part of the global sedimentary succession, susceptible to post-
depositional diagenesis. Studies of limestone geochemistry are essential in the …
depositional diagenesis. Studies of limestone geochemistry are essential in the …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of the application of rare-earth elements to paleoceanography
WT Holser - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 1997 - Elsevier
Anomalous departures of rare-earth elements (REE) from similarity of chemical behaviour
are most evident in a comparison of Ce with its neighbors. Under reducing conditions Ce3+ …
are most evident in a comparison of Ce with its neighbors. Under reducing conditions Ce3+ …
Chemical transport to the seafloor of the equatorial Pacific Ocean across a latitudinal transect at 135 W: tracking sedimentary major, trace, and rare earth element …
RW Murray, M Leinen - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1993 - Elsevier
We have analyzed the major, trace, and rare earth element composition of surface
sediments collected from a transect across the Equator at 135° W longitude in the Pacific …
sediments collected from a transect across the Equator at 135° W longitude in the Pacific …
The whole-rock cerium anomaly: a potential indicator of eustatic sea-level changes in shales of the anoxic facies
P Wilde, MS Quinby-Hunt, BD Erdtmann - Sedimentary Geology, 1996 - Elsevier
The whole-rock cerium anomaly, tested for outer shelf-upper slope stratigraphic sections
from the middle Ordovician through the lower Silurian of Scotland, is proposed as an …
from the middle Ordovician through the lower Silurian of Scotland, is proposed as an …
Trace and rare earth elemental variation in Arabian Sea sediments through a transect across the oxygen minimum zone
We have determined the calcium carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon (Coorg), trace
element, and rare earth element (REE) composition of surface sediments collected from a …
element, and rare earth element (REE) composition of surface sediments collected from a …
Constraints in using Cerium-anomaly of bulk sediments as an indicator of paleo bottom water redox environment: A case study from the Central Indian Ocean Basin
JN Pattan, NJG Pearce, PG Mislankar - Chemical Geology, 2005 - Elsevier
The total rare earth elements (∑ REE) abundance along with major and a range of trace
element chemistry of twenty-eight sub-sections in a 5 m long sediment core (AAS-05/GC-02) …
element chemistry of twenty-eight sub-sections in a 5 m long sediment core (AAS-05/GC-02) …
The global biogeochemical cycle of the rare earth elements
To improve our understanding and guide future studies and applications, we review the
biogeochemistry of the rare earth elements (REE). The REEs, which form a chemically …
biogeochemistry of the rare earth elements (REE). The REEs, which form a chemically …
Rare earth, major, and trace element composition of Monterey and DSDP chert and associated host sediment: Assessing the influence of chemical fractionation during …
RW Murray, MRB Ten Brink, DC Gerlach… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 1992 - Elsevier
Chert and associated host sediments from Monterey Formation and Deep Sea Drilling
Project (DSDP) sequences were analyzed in order to assess chemical behavior during …
Project (DSDP) sequences were analyzed in order to assess chemical behavior during …
Interoceanic variation in the rare earth, major, and trace element depositional chemistry of chert: perspectives gained from the DSDP and ODP record
RW Murray, MRB ten Brink, DC Gerlach… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 1992 - Elsevier
Rare earth element (REE), major, and trace element abundances and relative fractionations
in forty nodular cherts sampled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling …
in forty nodular cherts sampled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling …