Assessing self-regulated learning in higher education: A systematic literature review of self-report instruments

A Roth, S Ogrin, B Schmitz - Educational assessment, evaluation and …, 2016 - Springer
The growing interest in the field of learning strategies has led to an increasing number of
studies and, with that, the development of numerous instruments to measure the use of self …

Learning during COVID-19: the role of self-regulated learning, motivation, and procrastination for perceived competence

ER Pelikan, M Lüftenegger, J Holzer, S Korlat… - Zeitschrift für …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract In March 2020 schools in Austria temporarily closed and switched to distance
learning to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The resulting situation posed …

The impact of mobile-assisted language learning on English as a foreign language learners' vocabulary learning attitudes and self-regulatory capacity

X Lei, J Fathi, S Noorbakhsh, M Rahimi - Frontiers in psychology, 2022 -
Over the past decades, English as a foreign language (EFL) learning has witnessed a
heightened interest in the role of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in vocabulary …

Examining the ontological and epistemic assumptions of research on metacognition, self-regulation and self-regulated learning

DL Dinsmore - Educational Psychology, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
While research on metacognition, self-regulation and self-regulated learning is quite mature,
these studies have been carried out with varying methodologies and with mixed results. This …

The interaction of motivation, self‐regulatory strategies, and autonomous learning behavior in different learner groups

J Kormos, K Csizer - Tesol quarterly, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Autonomous learning and effective self‐regulatory strategies are increasingly important in
foreign language learning; without these, students might not be able to exploit learning …

A system's view of e‐learning success model

SB Eom, NJ Ashill - Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The past several decades of e‐learning empirical research have advanced our
understanding of the effective management of critical success factors (CSFs) of e‐learning …

Relationships between the quality of blended learning experience, self-regulated learning, and academic achievement of medical students: a path analysis

SE Kassab, AI Al-Shafei, AH Salem… - Advances in medical …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose This study examined the relationships between the different aspects of students'
course experience, self-regulated learning, and academic achievement of medical students …

An application of classification models to predict learner progression in tertiary education

G Gray, C McGuinness… - 2014 IEEE international …, 2014 -
This paper reports on an application of classification models to identify college students at
risk of failing in the first year of study. Data was gathered from three student cohorts in the …

College students' regulation of cognition, motivation, behavior, and context: Distinct or overlap** processes?

Y Kim, AC Brady, CA Wolters - Learning and Individual Differences, 2020 - Elsevier
The assumption that students can actively regulate multiple aspects of the learning process
is foundational among many prominent conceptual models of self-regulated learning …

Self-efficacy, achievement goals, and metacognition as predicators of academic motivation

ALB Ghaleb, S Ghaith, M Akour - Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of self-efficacy, achievement goals
(mastery goals and performance goals), and metacognition on academic motivation of …