Higher-Order Graphon Theory: Fluctuations, Degeneracies, and Inference
Exchangeable random graphs, which include some of the most widely studied network
models, have emerged as the mainstay of statistical network analysis in recent years …
models, have emerged as the mainstay of statistical network analysis in recent years …
Slow rates of approximation of U-statistics and V-statistics by quadratic forms of Gaussians
We construct examples of degree-two U-and V-statistics of $ n $ iid~ heavy-tailed random
vectors in $\mathbb {R}^{d (n)} $, whose $\nu $-th moments exist for ${\nu> 2} $, and provide …
vectors in $\mathbb {R}^{d (n)} $, whose $\nu $-th moments exist for ${\nu> 2} $, and provide …