[HTML][HTML] Embrace the darkness: An experimental perspective on organic exciton–polaritons
Organic polaritonics has emerged as a captivating interdisciplinary field that marries the
complexities of organic photophysics with the fundamental principles of quantum optics. By …
complexities of organic photophysics with the fundamental principles of quantum optics. By …
Cavity Born–Oppenheimer Hartree–Fock ansatz: Light–matter properties of strongly coupled molecular ensembles
Experimental studies indicate that optical cavities can affect chemical reactions through
either vibrational or electronic strong coupling and the quantized cavity modes. However …
either vibrational or electronic strong coupling and the quantized cavity modes. However …
Unraveling a cavity-induced molecular polarization mechanism from collective vibrational strong coupling
We demonstrate that collective vibrational strong coupling of molecules in thermal
equilibrium can give rise to significant local electronic polarizations in the thermodynamic …
equilibrium can give rise to significant local electronic polarizations in the thermodynamic …
Resonance theory of vibrational strong coupling enhanced polariton chemistry and the role of photonic mode lifetime
Recent experiments demonstrate polaritons under the vibrational strong coupling (VSC)
regime can modify chemical reactivity. Here, we present a complete theory of VSC-modified …
regime can modify chemical reactivity. Here, we present a complete theory of VSC-modified …
Ab initio vibro-polaritonic spectra in strongly coupled cavity-molecule systems
Recent experiments have revealed the profound effect of strong light–matter interactions in
optical cavities on the electronic ground state of molecular systems. This phenomenon …
optical cavities on the electronic ground state of molecular systems. This phenomenon …
Investigating the collective nature of cavity-modified chemical kinetics under vibrational strong coupling
In this paper, we develop quantum dynamical methods capable of treating the dynamics of
chemically reacting systems in an optical cavity in the vibrationally strong-coupling (VSC) …
chemically reacting systems in an optical cavity in the vibrationally strong-coupling (VSC) …
Electron-photon exchange-correlation approximation for quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory
Quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory (QEDFT) provides a promising avenue
for exploring complex light-matter interactions in optical cavities for real materials. Similar to …
for exploring complex light-matter interactions in optical cavities for real materials. Similar to …
How quantum is the resonance behavior in vibrational polariton chemistry?
Recent experiments in polariton chemistry have demonstrated that reaction rates can be
modified by vibrational strong coupling to an optical cavity mode. Importantly, this …
modified by vibrational strong coupling to an optical cavity mode. Importantly, this …
Resonance enhancement of vibrational polariton chemistry obtained from the mixed quantum-classical dynamics simulations
We applied a variety of mixed quantum-classical (MQC) approaches to simulate the VSC-
influenced reaction rate constant. All of these MQC simulations treat the key vibrational …
influenced reaction rate constant. All of these MQC simulations treat the key vibrational …
Resonance theory and quantum dynamics simulations of vibrational polariton chemistry
We present numerically exact quantum dynamics simulations using the hierarchical
equation of motion approach to investigate the resonance enhancement of chemical …
equation of motion approach to investigate the resonance enhancement of chemical …