Macroscopic network-level traffic models: Bridging fifty years of development toward the next era
Network macroscopic fundamental diagrams (NMFD) and related network-level traffic
dynamics models have received both theoretical support and empirical validation with the …
dynamics models have received both theoretical support and empirical validation with the …
Optimal perimeter control for two urban regions with macroscopic fundamental diagrams: A model predictive approach
Recent analysis of empirical data from cities showed that a macroscopic fundamental
diagram (MFD) of urban traffic provides for homogenous network regions a unimodal low …
diagram (MFD) of urban traffic provides for homogenous network regions a unimodal low …
Perimeter and boundary flow control in multi-reservoir heterogeneous networks
In this paper, we macroscopically describe the traffic dynamics in heterogeneous
transportation urban networks by utilizing the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), a …
transportation urban networks by utilizing the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), a …
A simple contagion process describes spreading of traffic jams in urban networks
The spread of traffic jams in urban networks has long been viewed as a complex spatio-
temporal phenomenon that often requires computationally intensive microscopic models for …
temporal phenomenon that often requires computationally intensive microscopic models for …
On the spatial partitioning of urban transportation networks
Y Ji, N Geroliminis - Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2012 - Elsevier
It has been recently shown that a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) linking space-
mean network flow, density and speed exists in the urban transportation networks under …
mean network flow, density and speed exists in the urban transportation networks under …
Properties of a well-defined macroscopic fundamental diagram for urban traffic
A field experiment in Yokohama (Japan) revealed that a macroscopic fundamental diagram
(MFD) linking space-mean flow, density and speed exists on a large urban area. It was …
(MFD) linking space-mean flow, density and speed exists on a large urban area. It was …
[HTML][HTML] Two-layer adaptive signal control framework for large-scale dynamically-congested networks: Combining efficient max pressure with perimeter control
Traffic-responsive signal control is a cost-effective, easy-to-implement, network management
strategy, bearing high potential to improve performance in heavily congested networks with …
strategy, bearing high potential to improve performance in heavily congested networks with …
A survey of traffic control with vehicular communications
L Li, D Wen, D Yao - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent …, 2013 -
During the last 60 years, incessant efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of traffic
control systems to meet ever-increasing traffic demands. Some recent works attempt to …
control systems to meet ever-increasing traffic demands. Some recent works attempt to …
Hierarchical control for stochastic network traffic with reinforcement learning
This study proposes a hierarchical control framework to maximize the throughput of a road
network driven by travel demand with uncertainties. In the upper level, a perimeter controller …
network driven by travel demand with uncertainties. In the upper level, a perimeter controller …
Clustering of heterogeneous networks with directional flows based on “Snake” similarities
Aggregated network level modeling and control of traffic in urban networks have recently
gained a lot of interest due to unpredictability of travel behaviors and high complexity of …
gained a lot of interest due to unpredictability of travel behaviors and high complexity of …