Exploiting nanomaterials for optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic imaging in nanodentistry
There is already a societal awareness of the growing impact of nanoscience and
nanotechnology, with nanomaterials (with at least one dimension less than 100 nm) now …
nanotechnology, with nanomaterials (with at least one dimension less than 100 nm) now …
In vivo capture and label-free detection of early metastatic cells
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death for women, with mortality resulting from
metastasis. Metastases are often detected once tumour cells affect the function of solid …
metastasis. Metastases are often detected once tumour cells affect the function of solid …
Single-cell cytometry via multiplexed fluorescence prediction by label-free reflectance microscopy
Traditional imaging cytometry uses fluorescence markers to identify specific structures but is
limited in throughput by the labeling process. We develop a label-free technique that …
limited in throughput by the labeling process. We develop a label-free technique that …
Enhanced Survival with Implantable Scaffolds That Capture Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells In Vivo
The onset of distant organ metastasis from primary breast cancer marks the transition to a
stage IV diagnosis. Standard imaging modalities often detect distant metastasis when the …
stage IV diagnosis. Standard imaging modalities often detect distant metastasis when the …
Extracting morphological and sub-resolution features from optical coherence tomography images, a review with applications in cancer diagnosis
Before they become invasive, early cancer cells exhibit specific and characteristic changes
that are routinely used by a histopathologist for diagnosis. Currently, these early …
that are routinely used by a histopathologist for diagnosis. Currently, these early …
Modeling light scattering in tissue as continuous random media using a versatile refractive index correlation function
Optical interactions with biological tissue provide powerful tools for study, diagnosis, and
treatment of disease. When optical methods are used in applications involving tissue …
treatment of disease. When optical methods are used in applications involving tissue …
Multimodal coherent imaging of retinal biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in a mouse model
We acquired depth-resolved light scattering measurements from the retinas of triple
transgenic Alzheimer's Disease (3xTg-AD) mice and wild type (WT) age-matched controls …
transgenic Alzheimer's Disease (3xTg-AD) mice and wild type (WT) age-matched controls …
Spatially resolved optical and ultrastructural properties of colorectal and pancreatic field carcinogenesis observed by inverse spectroscopic optical coherence …
Field carcinogenesis is the initial stage of cancer progression. Understanding field
carcinogenesis is valuable for both cancer biology and clinical medicine. Here, we used …
carcinogenesis is valuable for both cancer biology and clinical medicine. Here, we used …
Single capillary oximetry and tissue ultrastructural sensing by dual-band dual-scan inverse spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
Measuring capillary oxygenation and the surrounding ultrastructure can allow one to monitor
a microvascular niche and better understand crucial biological mechanisms. However …
a microvascular niche and better understand crucial biological mechanisms. However …
Nano-sensitive optical coherence tomography
Depth resolved label-free detection of structural changes with nanoscale sensitivity is an
outstanding problem in the biological and physical sciences and has significant applications …
outstanding problem in the biological and physical sciences and has significant applications …