Apparatus for optical see-through head mounted display with mutual occlusion and opaqueness control capability

C Gao, Y Lin, H Hua - US Patent 9,547,174, 2017‏ - Google Patents
The present invention comprises a compact optical see through head-mounted display
capable of combining, a see-through image path with a virtual image path Such that the …

Wide-field of view (FOV) imaging devices with active foveation capability

C Gao, H Hua - US Patent 9,851,563, 2017‏ - Google Patents
US9851563B2 - Wide-field of view (FOV) imaging devices with active foveation capability -
Google Patents US9851563B2 - Wide-field of view (FOV) imaging devices with active foveation …

Computer-aided system for 360 heads up display of safety/mission critical data

KA Varga - US Patent 9,728,006, 2017‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A safety critical, time sensitive data system for projecting safety/mission
critical data onto a display pair of Commer cial Off The Shelf (COTS) light weight projection …

Information display

BD Seymour - US Patent 8,120,547, 2012‏ - Google Patents
5,255,028 A 10/1993 Biles 6'327'592 B1 12, 2001 yar?-slfane 3'5,255,356 A 10/1993
Michelman etal. 6'34l'439 B1 V2002 L03 '2V3 5,283,560 A 2/1994 Bartlett 6'35l'298 B1 2 …

Variable fixation viewing distance scanned light displays

BT Schowengerdt, EJ Seibel - US Patent 8,248,458, 2012‏ - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The visual system makes use of a large variety of correlated cues to
reconstruct the three-dimensional (3D) world from two-dimensional (2D) retinal images …

Materials and methods for simulating focal shifts in viewers using large depth of focus displays

BT Schowengerdt, EJ Seibel - US Patent 7,428,001, 2008‏ - Google Patents
Related US Application Data which the apparent focus plane is adjusted to track an accom
modation (focus) of a viewer's eye (s) to more effectively (60) Provisional application No …

Computer-aided system for 360º heads up display of safety/mission critical data

K Varga, J Young, P Cove, J Hiett - US Patent App. 12/460,552, 2010‏ - Google Patents
A safety critical, time sensitive data system for projecting safety/mission critical data onto a
display pair of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) light weight projection glasses or …

Display control system

GD Engel, DJ Ferguson, HJO MacLeod… - US Patent …, 2012‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A display control system for a multi-layer display system including at least
one multi-layer display unit (6). A multi layer display unit includes multiple stacked or …

Multi-view display

GD Engel - US Patent 8,146,277, 2012‏ - Google Patents
(57) A multiView display (5) provides different viewing angles for different images (3, 4). The
display (5) may comprise a single screen on which two or more images (3, 4) are …

Non-linear depth rendering of stereoscopic animated images

AD Hendrickson, RM Neuman - US Patent 8,228,327, 2012‏ - Google Patents
G06T I7/00(2006.01)(52) US Cl........... 345/420; 345/473; 382/154; 348/51;(57) ABSTRACT
348/E13. 026; 348/E13. 071 A method for rendering stereoscopic images with non-linear …