[HTML][HTML] Justice in inter-organizational relationships: A literature review and future research agenda
Organizational justice has made contributions to the inter-organizational literature by
highlighting the effects of justice perceptions on behavioral, attitudinal, and organizational …
highlighting the effects of justice perceptions on behavioral, attitudinal, and organizational …
[HTML][HTML] The nexus of industry 4.0 and circular procurement: a systematic literature review and research agenda
In the wake of Industry 4.0, circular supply chain management has undergone radical
transformations. Organizations have been able to boost their efficiency thanks to …
transformations. Organizations have been able to boost their efficiency thanks to …
Managing information asymmetry in public–private relationships undergoing a digital transformation: the role of contractual and relational governance
Purpose Inter-organisational governance is an important enabler for information processing,
particularly in relationships undergoing digital transformation (DT) where partners depend …
particularly in relationships undergoing digital transformation (DT) where partners depend …
Network orchestration in a large inter‐organizational project
Multiple organizations working jointly on shared activities in inter‐organizational projects for
a defined period of time are used increasingly to coordinate the supply of complex products …
a defined period of time are used increasingly to coordinate the supply of complex products …
Responding to information asymmetry in crisis situations: innovation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
Crises test the resilience of public service organizations. Healthcare providers must respond
and innovate within tight constraints to address challenges. Presenting COVID-19 as a …
and innovate within tight constraints to address challenges. Presenting COVID-19 as a …
Co‐evolution of governance mechanisms and coopetition in public‐private projects
One important question in public‐private (PP) projects is how to manage coopetition—
simultaneous cooperation and competition among project members. Prior studies on the …
simultaneous cooperation and competition among project members. Prior studies on the …
Complements or substitutes? Recipes of contract design, contract enforcement, and trust for enhanced project performance
The interplay of contractual and relational governance has shown inconclusive effects on
project performance, resulting in the complements versus substitutes debate. Adding …
project performance, resulting in the complements versus substitutes debate. Adding …
Trust and opportunism as paradoxical tension: Implications for achieving sustainability in buyer-supplier relationships
While trust and opportunism were traditionally considered as the opposite ends of a
continuum, when considered through the lens of paradox theory, these two could not only …
continuum, when considered through the lens of paradox theory, these two could not only …
[HTML][HTML] Operation Warp Speed: Projects responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has profound socio-economic consequences. Extraordinary
times call for extraordinary measures, so this paper focuses on radical changes to accepted …
times call for extraordinary measures, so this paper focuses on radical changes to accepted …
Governing the interplay of inter-organizational relationship mechanisms in open innovation projects across ecosystems
More and more self-interested businesses are organizing themselves in interdependent,
non-hierarchically controlled networks to jointly create superior value by engaging in open …
non-hierarchically controlled networks to jointly create superior value by engaging in open …