High-order Van Hove singularities and their connection to flat bands
The flattening of single-particle band structures plays an important role in the quest for novel
quantum states of matter owing to the crucial role of interactions. Recent advances in theory …
quantum states of matter owing to the crucial role of interactions. Recent advances in theory …
Superconductivity in twisted bilayer WSe2
Moiré materials have enabled the realization of flat electron bands and quantum phases that
are driven by the strong correlations associated with flat bands,,–. Superconductivity has …
are driven by the strong correlations associated with flat bands,,–. Superconductivity has …
Superconductivity in 5.0° twisted bilayer WSe2
The discovery of superconductivity in twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene,,,–has generated
tremendous interest. The key feature of these systems is an interplay between interlayer …
tremendous interest. The key feature of these systems is an interplay between interlayer …
Theory of correlated insulators and superconductor at ν = 1 in twisted WSe2
The observation of a superconducting phase, an intertwined insulating phase, and a
continuous transition between the two at a commensurate filling of ν= 1 in bilayers of twisted …
continuous transition between the two at a commensurate filling of ν= 1 in bilayers of twisted …
Pair-density-wave and chiral superconductivity in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides
We theoretically explore possible orders induced by weak repulsive interactions in twisted
bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (eg, WSe 2) in the presence of an out-of-plane …
bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (eg, WSe 2) in the presence of an out-of-plane …
Topological superconductivity with mixed singlet-triplet pairing in moiré transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers
We investigate strong coupling topological superconductivity in twisted moiré bilayer WSe 2.
Our approach is based on an effective tJ model with displacement-field-dependent complex …
Our approach is based on an effective tJ model with displacement-field-dependent complex …
Mixed singlet-triplet superconducting state within the moiré model applied to twisted bilayer
We analyze an analog of the tJU model as applied to the description of a single moiré flat
band of twisted WSe 2 bilayer. To take into account the correlation effects induced by a …
band of twisted WSe 2 bilayer. To take into account the correlation effects induced by a …
Orbital Fulde-Ferrell pairing state in moiré Ising superconductors
In this Letter, we study superconducting moiré homobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides
where the Ising spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is much larger than the moiré bandwidth. We call …
where the Ising spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is much larger than the moiré bandwidth. We call …
Competition between d-wave superconductivity and magnetism in uniaxially strained Sr2RuO4
The pairing symmetry of Sr2RuO4 is a long-standing fundamental question in the physics of
superconducting materials with strong electronic correlations. We use the functional …
superconducting materials with strong electronic correlations. We use the functional …
Collective Charge Excitations between Moiré Minibands in Twisted Bilayers Probed with Resonant Inelastic Light Scattering
We establish low-temperature resonant inelastic light scattering (RILS) spectroscopy as a
tool to probe the formation of a series of moiré bands in twisted WSe 2 bilayers by accessing …
tool to probe the formation of a series of moiré bands in twisted WSe 2 bilayers by accessing …